win a ball from

Author Topic: Reno May 26th and 27th  (Read 824 times)


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Reno May 26th and 27th
« on: May 29, 2007, 12:18:42 PM »
I just got back from Reno. It was a good trip.

I got to meet Sixcranker and riparack.  They are both good guys.  Sixcranker bowled team right before our doubles/singles.  He is indeed a cranker and has lots of power.

As far as the bowling, as always there were good things and bad things.  I shot 648 in team, 614 in doubles and 618 in singles for an all events total of 1880.  I was pretty happy with that.  

I was especially happy for the team score considering I had a few distractions.  We had 2 last minute subs and I mean last minute.  We had 2 bowlers who did not show up.  The team captain started calling the sub list a little after 7:00 pm for our 8:30 squad.  He found 2 guys, who happened to be friends, and they arrived at the stadium at 8:15.  They were at dinner when we called and came right over.  They had their equipment with them, but not the right shirts.  They went in and bought shirts so they could bowl.  Then on the first ball of the first game, I the hit the sweep with my ball.  I was bowling anchor on 21 and the anchor on 22 told the lane monitor to "watch the rack on 21, it is setting the 5 pin off spot".  The lane monitor thought he said "re-rack 21".  So the lane monitor re-racked 21 as my ball was headed down the lane.  So in between shots for the next few frames I had to talk to the lane monitor, then his supervisor and then the MOD for the stadium since there was damage to my ball.    However after we were finished I decided not to have them fix the damage.  The ball still rolled fine and I didn't want the surface of the ball changed.  I ended up using that ball for all 9 games.