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Author Topic: Reno politician says Reno deal looking good, Orlando 'dead' ... USBC says its talking to bot  (Read 4932 times)


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This is for USBC tourneys 2016 and beyond



The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:



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So as I read it.


Reno will have Open National tournament 2 out of 3 years?


If so entries will continue to go down.


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Why is the USBC negotiating into 2032? That is ridiculous and affects way too many people for some executives to have a final say in. 


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I agree why 2032?  I was kind of excited about Orlando...Kind of wish it would of been a rotation of Reno, Orlando and __________.   I guess that was just wishful thinking...



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 Only been to nationals twice and I saw pros and cons with Vegas and Reno

Vegas:  awesome vacation spot with too much to do!, shot was tougher & didn't wasn't as fun for me because I never got lined up etc etc.. (not that I'm asking for a cake walk at nationals but never finding SOMETHING to work is not anything but frustrating)

Reno: lame city with absolutely nothing really entertaining to do, shot wasn't a cakewalk...but easy enough to work something into the shot...had a blast bowling...averaged quite a bit higher eventhough scores were inflated across the board....extremely happy I cashed in everything but doubles..I was very proud of myself to cash on my second trip!

Everywhere is going to have its pros and cons, I was REALLY hoping for Orlando...its a shame..

Don't throw strikes, throw BOLTS!

In the bag [Infinite Physix, Volatility Torque, Night Road, Phaze III, Burner Solid, Hustle AU]
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Coming soon...???


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We had 2 teams drop last year because everyone is bored with Reno. I don't see long term success in Reno for our Tournament.



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Yes, Reno already is set for 2013, 2014 and 2016 for Open Championships.


I wouldn't get too worked up about 2032 ... Reno may want that but does not mean USBC will agree ... and any kind of deal that long will have tons of contingencies I would imagine.  I mean who even knows if there will be 2 USBC tournaments and what their format might be years from now?

The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:


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The three-year cycles seems like a great compromise that offers something for both sides...

Three year cycle referred to is:

Year 1: Men's Open 

Year 2: Women's Open

Year 3: Men's & Women's Open

repeat for 20 years

This is a compromise?!  What was Reno asking for initially?  Both events every year for 20 years?


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Just bowled in my 20th tournament. 5 more years and im done.  Yes, I want the plaque.

Drop and give me 10


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Reno would LOVE to have both tournaments every year -- it's about all they've got to keep them going these days -- and likely would pay USBC a heckuva premium for that.
Orlando or any other place that might build a stadium would like that, too -- you want something filled with business as much as possible WHATEVER business you are in. 
USBC knows bowlers don't want to go to Reno or any other place every single year ... with the possible exception of Vegas. 
Give Reno at least one of the two tourneys every year and USBC probably gets a lot of desperately needed $$ and such a deal as being contemplated (according to the councilman) also gives the folks who want to see different cities a different city once every three years.
That's what I mean by compromise.

The No. 1 source for bowling news, analysis and opinion is my blog, The 11th Frame, which is here:


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This whole thing is ludicrous.  Reno needs the USBC way more than the USBC needs Reno.  USBC needs to keep people interested in coming.  So what does Reno do?  Increase tourism taxes to renovate already the best (only?) bowling stadium in the country build a bowling hall of fame?  A "Hall of Fame" might attract people for the first time.  Do they really think that it's going to keep people coming 13 times in 20 years?  "I was thinking of not going this year, but they do have the hall of fame, that I've only seen 12 times."  Oh and they're going to add 10 more lanes.  They can't fill the 80 they already have, so they're going to build 10 more.  Fantastic.


If they really want a long range committment between USBC Nationals and Reno work, they need to make people want to go.  There's only so much you can invest in the bowling aspect of Nationals to keep people coming.  Pouring more money into this bowling mecca while allowing the city around it crumble to pieces is not going to keep most people interested.  One would think this is common sense, but appearantly Reno politicians don't get it.


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I think the USBC has completely lost touch with those that they are supposed to be representing. I say we all just not sanction for a year so they go under and we can start over again.


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     I think you have this wrong. The USBC needs Reno too. This tournament is used ot bring money into the USBC to help fill in the gap left by declining membership. That declining membership means it is inevitable that the number of teams coming to the USBC open will decline as well. The deal Reno can offer, plus the fact that the USBC saves on construction costs when in Reno, is huge to the USBC. It could mean the difference between having a USBC Open for 20 years or longer, or having it for 5-10 more years and having it fold.


In order to increase entries, maybe the USBC should look at allowing bowlers to bowl a second team event, as long as at least 3 members are different then the original team. It would allow the better teams, like Riggs' group, a chance to bowl with their second team members, allow more bracket money to be taken in by the USBC and allow the average Joe Bowler a chance to redeem himself if they had some issues during their first team event. Now only the first team event will count towards all-events(individual and team) in this scenario. This could, potentially, increase entries and help fill extra lanes and days. But the downside is potentially diminishing the grandeur of winning the team event Eagle. A difficult decision on either side of the coin.

jaydee wrote on 11/2/2011 11:36 AM:
This whole thing is ludicrous.  Reno needs the USBC way more than the USBC needs Reno.  USBC needs to keep people interested in coming.  So what does Reno do?  Increase tourism taxes to renovate already the best (only?) bowling stadium in the country build a bowling hall of fame?  A "Hall of Fame" might attract people for the first time.  Do they really think that it's going to keep people coming 13 times in 20 years?  "I was thinking of not going this year, but they do have the hall of fame, that I've only seen 12 times."  Oh and they're going to add 10 more lanes.  They can't fill the 80 they already have, so they're going to build 10 more.  Fantastic.


If they really want a long range committment between USBC Nationals and Reno work, they need to make people want to go.  There's only so much you can invest in the bowling aspect of Nationals to keep people coming.  Pouring more money into this bowling mecca while allowing the city around it crumble to pieces is not going to keep most people interested.  One would think this is common sense, but appearantly Reno politicians don't get it.




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You're missing the bigger point I was trying to make.  In the short-term, it may be better to give Reno the tourney 2/3's of the time, because they save on immediate overhead costs and team entries are still relatively good.  But I am not going to Reno that often unless the event becomes a money maker for me personally, or it's a better place to visit.  I have interest in going to that part of the country, maybe once every 5-6 years.  I have limited vacation time, and I'm just not going across the country to the same place every year, especially Reno as it is now.  I would go to alternating sites probably close to every year, regardless.  IMO, I feel like more bowlers are coming from my viewpoint, than those that would go to Nationals every year no matter where it is.  Is saving on overhead construction costs going to offset decline entries?  Hard to tell, I have no idea what the profit is per bowler after all expenses are paid and I don't know what it costs to construct lanes and I don't know what kind of money the city bids bring in.


So what if we are stuck with Reno, what can they do to make it more attractive location?  Point blank, what could they do, to make me more interested in coming every year.  Investing in more bowling infrastructure is about the last thing they can do to keep me interested (well, maybe 2nd last, building another casino would be lower).  How about make the city a better place.  Make it more family friendly, maybe build an amusement park?  Seasonal incentives to airlines from Feb-July so the entire east coast doesn't have to make 2 connections and blow a whole day of travel to get there and back.  Better public transportation, specifically from hotels to the stadium.  But no, they want to build 10 more lanes and a bowling HOF.  You've got to be kidding me.


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Lets be honest here.  Unless there is a turnaround in the overall economy, people wont be able to afford to go to Reno.  Give it a couple years and you may see the tournament go to an opening weekend in April.  At some point, I could see plane tickets from the East Coast approaching $700.  I believe tickets were in the neighborhood of $500+ this year.  It will get to a point where, even without getting into brackets/side pots, you have dropped $1000 before you even toss your first ball. 


The USBC has to get more tournies on the eastern side of the US.  If not, entries will continue to slide.

Peace doesnt always have to be silent.
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
Former Classic Products Assistant Manager