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Author Topic: Ron Vokes Video  (Read 9189 times)


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Ron Vokes Video
« on: May 05, 2009, 01:36:07 PM »
There is a video of Ron Vokes bowling on the usopen webiste. What does eveyone think of it?



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Re: Ron Vokes Video
« Reply #46 on: May 07, 2009, 10:58:36 AM »
Well despite your usual abrasive style in dealing with people you have put a rational post(except for tone) regarding the ability to break 60 at the Master's.

Coulda Shoulda been done when course was easier.....Can be done under current conditions but will be a day of heaven!

Much like Ron Vokes had!  Tough conditions or not!  People can do .....incredible things!  If on and if they let themselves stay not saying things like...."This is the Master's"


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Ron Vokes Video
« Reply #47 on: May 07, 2009, 01:32:27 PM »
Short bus?  Wow...I mean, wow.  I hope you didn't strain yourself thinking of that one.  By the way...way to keep the conversation on an adult level.

What IS ruining the game is the overabundance of super easy house shots that have created a long line of bowlers who think they are better then they really are. It is also the fact that equipment manufacterers have been allowed to produce equipment with little to no rules in place. Allowing them to create "hooks in a box" that again over inflates the scores for people. And lastly it's the ego's of these bowlers who complain to the center manager as soon as they put down a little tougher shot and they can't stand left, throw right and hit the pocket from anywhere on the right side of the lane. It is the fact that people like Robert Musthare have found ways to exploit the rules to have questionable records put into the books. These are some of the things you blame on the USBC. They have made changes, but always after the fact, too long after the fact in some cases. And people who think it's the dress code, or the fact that the shot is "too easy" at Nationals are missing the bigger picture.

Again, thank you for making my point for me.  We may disagree about some of what is or is not the responsibility of USBC.  

I see the current scoring pace as an issue, much like the 1989 tournament turned out to be.  You don't.  

I think that bowlers participating in Nationals should exhibit some respect for the long history of the tournament and the great players that came before them.  Jeans and T-shirts should not be allowed, period.  You disagree.

The bottom line is that USBC is UNRESPONSIVE to just about every issue that presents itself.  That has to change.


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Re: Ron Vokes Video
« Reply #48 on: May 07, 2009, 02:28:45 PM »
I think that bowlers participating in Nationals should exhibit some respect for the long history of the tournament and the great players that came before them.  Jeans and T-shirts should not be allowed, period.  You disagree.

The bottom line is that USBC is UNRESPONSIVE to just about every issue that presents itself.  That has to change.

I have never advocated wearing T-Shirts. My point was that people were making a big deal over polo shirts not tucked in. I have no problem with jeans either, as I have seen jeans that a nicer then some of the raggedy slcks some people where. I'd rather have someone look decit in jeans and polo, then some slacks that look like they are from 1953. And the other point I was making was this, yes it is about respect, and respecting the histor of the tournament. But it is not an integrity of the game issue. That a stretch that plasticman couldn't even make. The intergrity issues are there, but it isn't because people where jeans at Nationals or because I don't tuck my polo shirt into my slacks.



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Re: Ron Vokes Video
« Reply #49 on: May 07, 2009, 08:54:45 PM »

I guess being a competitive bowler and traveling the world bowling I have a different idea of respect for the game and showing some class for our sport. I hate what our sport has been know as for many years. That is a "GAME" in which fat overweight people do, who drink beer, and eat their nachos at the bowling center during league. Seriously how are we ever going to make bowling a sport or break that idea everyone has against bowling??
George Palumbo

This is an issue completely separate of this man's accomplishments. The answer to the last question is, probably never. Why? Because bowlers want beer and nachos and houses happily serve them. If you tell a house no more beer and nachos during league, what will happen is there will be no more sanctioned leagues. The houses won't stand for it, and neither will the bowlers.

As to the comment about fat folks and bowling, I'm going to eschew the usual fare about fat golfers, fat NFL players and the like and go straight to this: So what if people are fat? Sometime over the last 10 years, society woke up to it not being OK to be racist, sexist or homophobic, but if you're fat get the hell outta my sight.

I have to admit I get a certain joy out of seeing the Traber brothers win regionals. I know there have been complaints about their demeanor but I have a feeling part of it is people mad that they got beat by a fat guy. Big guys in other sports tend to get big cheering sections of like-bellied fans.

Why is it a problem in bowling? Because we have an inferiority complex about ourselves that just won't quit. We are our own worst critics and we beat ourselves up mercilessly over our appearance (or more correctly, our fellow bowlers' appearances), our "image," and other things we think are being said about us by other people. We bowl looking over our shoulders all the time.

We're not getting anywhere until we quit that s**t. The NFL found a way to market Fridge Perry, golf found a way to market John Daly, basketball a way to market Charles Barkley, etc. In bowling, we see this only as a negative -- not to mention that someone else's weight is really none of anyone's business but that person's and his/her cardiologist's.

As for me, I'm a big guy. Do I wish I was thinner? Sure. But it's not going to define me as a bowler, as a person, and you're not going to define me that way, either, because I'm not going to let you. I am very difficult to get truly upset, but the quickest way to get on my bad side is to decide my worth is based in or on your opinion.

Now let's stop being ashamed of who we are and what we do, and focus on the product, or on turning stereotypes around and actually gaining from them rather than wringing our hands over them. We are literally the last sport not to get this.



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Re: Ron Vokes Video
« Reply #50 on: May 08, 2009, 09:07:47 AM »
Well said Jess.


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Re: Ron Vokes Video
« Reply #51 on: May 08, 2009, 11:26:53 PM »
Short bus?  Wow...I mean, wow.  I hope you didn't strain yourself thinking of that one.  By the way...way to keep the conversation on an adult level.


Eagle, this is what Jorge does.  When someone disagrees, he insults them.  Heck, he used the same short bus insult towards me.  But, it's US that has the problem, not Jorge.  I'm waiting for him to call one of us a maroon.
It IS next year!


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Re: Ron Vokes Video
« Reply #52 on: May 13, 2009, 09:07:16 AM »
congratulations mr. vokes! all you haters need to back off the kool-aid for a bit. so all of you guys complaining are telling me if you had the look on the lanes that ron had you would just pack your stuff up and walk out? and by look i mean area on the lanes. i think not. dress codes, easy lane conditions, powerful balls are factors in why bowling is on the decline, but the single biggest reason for decline in bowling is lack of class and character among bowlings participants. all you have to do is read this thread for proof. every one of you guys on here bashing the man should be ashamed of yourselves. if you guys want the nationals to be ran like a professional tournament, try conducting yourselves like a professional first.
STORM:If You Hear The Thunder,Sorry,The Lightning's Already Struck!
DV8 Regional Staff


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Re: Ron Vokes Video
« Reply #53 on: May 13, 2009, 09:25:45 AM »
Congrats to Ron, he reminds me a lot of Don Vito, lol.
Rob Stone Supporters of America!


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Re: Ron Vokes Video
« Reply #54 on: May 13, 2009, 09:33:10 AM »
congratulations mr. vokes! all you haters need to back off the kool-aid for a bit. so all of you guys complaining are telling me if you had the look on the lanes that ron had you would just pack your stuff up and walk out? and by look i mean area on the lanes. i think not. dress codes, easy lane conditions, powerful balls are factors in why bowling is on the decline, but the single biggest reason for decline in bowling is lack of class and character among bowlings participants. all you have to do is read this thread for proof. every one of you guys on here bashing the man should be ashamed of yourselves. if you guys want the nationals to be ran like a professional tournament, try conducting yourselves like a professional first.
STORM:If You Hear The Thunder,Sorry,The Lightning's Already Struck!

well said.
''If their is a life after death,
  then their is no death,
  and if their is no death,
  we do not live''

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Re: Ron Vokes Video
« Reply #55 on: May 13, 2009, 11:35:12 AM »
congratulations mr. vokes! all you haters need to back off the kool-aid for a bit. so all of you guys complaining are telling me if you had the look on the lanes that ron had you would just pack your stuff up and walk out? and by look i mean area on the lanes. i think not. dress codes, easy lane conditions, powerful balls are factors in why bowling is on the decline, but the single biggest reason for decline in bowling is lack of class and character among bowlings participants. all you have to do is read this thread for proof. every one of you guys on here bashing the man should be ashamed of yourselves. if you guys want the nationals to be ran like a professional tournament, try conducting yourselves like a professional first.
STORM:If You Hear The Thunder,Sorry,The Lightning's Already Struck!

