I saw this over there too. Very good information and very telling.
I want to debate one small point. I think even if minors went to fresh, you could see scores like we saw this year. But it would take more teamwork and more sacrifice (I guess this is the correct word, let me explain further). Let's hypothesis you and your 2 teams are about to begin doubles on a fresh condition. You stated somewhere, either here or on USBC forums that you ask for your doubles pairings. So now you ask for them this way (I call your team Team A, and your traveling team Team B):
pair 1 Team A 1&2
Pair 2 Team B 1&2
Pair 3 Team A 3&4
Pair 4 Team B 3&4
Pair 5 Team A/B and other
What it would take is the Team B pairs to through all in the same spot for the entire 3 games, all 4 bowlers. Now they may sacrifice their scores a little to do so, but they could set the pair up for the switch so that the Team A bowlers could 1) know where the dry area was and 2) have it an area that is condusive to their games. If you want to manipulate the lanes even further (something your team does not do) you could have the team B people throwing 500 grit, 360 grit or even 180 grit surfaces to accelerate the process. If a team does this I think the singles scores could be very high, even on par with the ones this year. But I do think the doubles records would stand for a very long time.