Well...we go opening weekend as we have for a few years in a row...and I'm officially scared now. With a second child this year I've had almost no time to practice for the past 6 months. I've only been bowling 3 games a week of league...so the swing isn't exactly "pure" right now. I entered a little GA all star qualifier this weekend on chameleon to see how the swing felt when the bumpers weren't up....
Let's just say we've changed the expectations of the trip from "let's go make money" to "let's not embarrass ourself"...lol.
I managed to stay about even because I made all of my spares....but I can't get the ball on line consistently to save my life. You take away the puddle and I'm completely lost...my angles through the front suck...my timing sucks...(yay I made spares though). I practiced a little after the tournament and things started feeling better...and I'm going again tonight to bowl some...but I'm still absolutely terrified at how poorly I'll bowl if I throw it like that in two weeks.
Say a prayer for me...or let's start donations for my bar tab

Little known fact: In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"