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Author Topic: Thank You Mike Jasnau!!  (Read 1337 times)

Steve Richter

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Thank You Mike Jasnau!!
« on: March 31, 2010, 12:56:05 AM »
This is a f/u to Riggs previous post regarding my lesson with Mike on March 25th.

Because of poor planning on my part and after being unable to get in the last time we were in Reno in 2007, as soon as I got the info I called Jas to book a spot.

I’ve felt like I’ve been really close to breaking out for some time, I thought that maybe something I was working on was holding me back.

History: this year has been a disaster for me…and sad to say I wanted this season over with, quite frankly.  I went to see Bill Spigner in Chicago two weeks ago trying to get any confidence back prior to Mike’s sessions and that helped a lot.

What Mike did was not change what I already learned, but built upon it!  He told me he liked what he saw, but without even taking the video shots he knew immediately what to work on.

We spent the next 45 minutes trying to groove the new changes.  While they felt horrible at first, once my muscle memory started to get out of my own way, things really started to come around.

That afternoon we bowled the 1-2-3 and I left in the top 3 in every event.  Immediate results, and immediate payback!!

While I had the feel the first 2 games of team event at “The Open”, I struggled to get back what I had felt in the swing the past two days.  I attribute this to being so keyed up for the greatest tournament in the world and being unable to keep my adrenaline and emotions in control – my mind was going 2 million MPH.

Apparently since this year has been so bad, my head is in need of a tune up as well :-)

In the end, we grabbed a share of the 1-5-9 that we always split 10 ways with the rest of our action $ (see Riggs’ blogs for more details), and we’re in the lead, for now, in Team Event.

Once final note: When I left home for Reno I was criticized at the idea of taking a lesson from Mike.  They would say “why do YOU need to take a lesson?”

The way I looked at it is Tiger has 7-10 coaches surrounding him at all times for all facets of the game.  If that’s good enough for the greatest golfer of all time, then it must be okay for a hack bowler looking to get just incrementally better.

You can never be too good or too proud to look at your game from a different perspective to meet your goals.  This was an investment, not an expense, and I will pay every year to get me to where I want to be.

Thank you Mike, the lesson was fabulous.  I have confidence again to not only achieve but succeed.  Thanks for giving back to me what had previously been lost all year.

Contact him to book your time today: (775) 335-8841

Steve Richter
USBC Silver Level Coach
IBPSIA Advanced Certified Technician
BPAA Skills Center Certified Teaching Professional

Edited on 3/31/2010 8:56 AM



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Re: Thank You Mike Jasnau!!
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2010, 09:28:45 AM »
Until you flagged that 10 Satan in team last frame.    I saw that and fell off my chair.

Just kiddin'!  Great showing by all you guys.  

I couldn't agree more Steve. Mike Shady, I've worked with the last two years helped me immensely.


Dan Belcher

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Re: Thank You Mike Jasnau!!
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2010, 09:37:05 AM »
This was an investment, not an expense, and I will pay every year to get me to where I want to be.
Absolutely.  This year was the first time I got to work with Mike, and he really was a great instructor.  He helped identify the actual causes of the things I wanted to fix, rather than trying to work backwards to fix the symptoms.  I thought my release was struggling because I just had a bad habit of turning my hand too early.  It turns out that was just the result of not keeping my elbow tucked close to my body at the start of my approach, plus having a timing issue related to the size of my third step which ALSO was caused by something else (the size of my first step!).  I would never have figured these things out on my own, even when I looked at video I filmed myself in practice sessions, etc.  Mike did a great job explaining what I needed to do and gave me instant feedback on whether I did it correctly or not on each shot, and that helped me really improve my balance, my control, my release, etc.

(For what it's worth, I shot my highest sport bowling game in the Singles event the very next day (267), plus I shot a 300 last night in league, so I've already more than paid for the cost of the coaching session!)


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Re: Thank You Mike Jasnau!!
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2010, 11:09:22 AM »
    Let me first say Congratulations to you and your teammates for your team event and overall pefermances. I have already done so toRiggs, so I am glad to get the chance to do so to you as well.

    Second, I can sympathize with your struggles this year, as I am about 7-8 pins down in average from last year (actually from the last 2-3 years which had been pretty consisitent). I just can't seem to figure out what is going on wrong. I spent time with Mike in Albuquerque and he made some changes to my game that helped a lot. I didn't get a chance to meet with him one on one in Vegas, we just did the team lesson. Now this year, something is just off. I am looking forward to getting back with him to help figure out what that is. In trying to tweak it myself, things have just gotten worse, the last 2 outings, my timing has been so bad that I couldn't even seem to make a single pin spare throwing plastic at it. Just all over the place. Started both sets in the 160's.

  I know that I will always need a ooach to help me with my game, and no matter what my average is, can always learn something from a good coach like Mike. I am hoping that I can see some of the success you saw after working with Mike this year, although I am nowhere near your skill level to start. Thanks for posting this and Thanks for sharing your insights, always appreciative when bowlers of your caliber can share your thoughts like this. Here hoping that you finish second in team event, right behind us .




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Re: Thank You Mike Jasnau!!
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2010, 12:05:59 PM »
Mike Shady is the man!  He helped me immensely!
"The only place I get hurt is out there" - Randy "The Ram" Robinson (Mickey Rourke in "The Wrestler")

"I love Caroline Dorin-Ballard.  I will plug CDB any chance I get." - Rob Stone. LOL. You make it too easy for us to pick on you Rob!


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Re: Thank You Mike Jasnau!!
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2010, 02:02:32 PM »
Anytime you can get quality coaching take the oppurtunity.
I've taken lessons from pretty much the same coaches Steve has mentioned.
Along with from Steve and his Roto clinics.
Have always walked away with more knowledge about bowling than I started with.

But making the knowledge stick is the hard part.
All things are better when they come from Texas.
free agency it is until i get a better offer.   LMAO