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Author Topic: Tournament Review  (Read 1424 times)


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Tournament Review
« on: June 03, 2010, 12:24:50 PM »
Well I just got back from my trip from Reno....

I'll start with the Lodging.  Casinos are okay but not what they used to be.  More over I was a little shocked to see how poorly the place was cleaned up.  Overall rooms were great, food was good, night life was a little dull nothing like Vegas.

Bowling-  I can see where everyone says that the lanes are hooking this year.  Team event was great shooting 625.  However, D/S was a whole diffrent story... Lanes did not have any backend.  I did see some lefties play up five and they did great however it was high ball speed and revs.  But it seemed that if you were on the outside lanes 1-10 or 41-78 you struck at will.  If you are playing the left side team you should play 15 to 7 using the back tracer as your breakpoint almost every ball that goes "over" that tracer is a strike.

Now with my gripe about this year.  First if you are looking to shop go early AM.. Booths this year seem to close at will without warning.  We bowled monday and the boothes were already closed at 5pm that day.  Second, I am totally against this new drinking policy.... What crap.  Third, while I like some of the updates and they make it nice I have some problems with seating and also the volunteers of the tournament.  We had a person in a wheelchair scooter with us and they were sitting in a booth with the scooter out of the way behind them.  We had one of the lane monitors ask us to move the scooter to a far off place so that others could walk the walk way...  I have a problem when people don't understand that people need to have wheelchair access to the facilties.  



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Re: Tournament Review
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2010, 08:31:12 PM »
Also just in case anyone is wondering, sqaud times ran 20-30 mins behind schedule the entire time.  Second approaches were either very tacky or extremely slick be careful of this as well.


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Re: Tournament Review
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2010, 09:50:33 PM »

What did you shoot for d/s? I agree the approaches were tacky for me and with my knee replacement that was not good, but better than slick.

You didn't mention your equipment? I wont even ask if you threw a Invasion. But wondered what you went with and what worked.

Also, if you couldn't get the ball to finish, what shift did you bowl?


ps, the back tracer as you call it is the 10 board....

Let It Bleed

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Re: Tournament Review
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2010, 12:50:23 AM »
Now with my gripe about this year.  First if you are looking to shop go early AM.. Booths this year seem to close at will without warning.  We bowled monday and the boothes were already closed at 5pm that day.  Second, I am totally against this new drinking policy.... What crap.  Third, while I like some of the updates and they make it nice I have some problems with seating and also the volunteers of the tournament.  We had a person in a wheelchair scooter with us and they were sitting in a booth with the scooter out of the way behind them.  We had one of the lane monitors ask us to move the scooter to a far off place so that others could walk the walk way...  I have a problem when people don't understand that people need to have wheelchair access to the facilties.  

If you don't mind, I'd like to inquire more about one of your gripes.

Out of curiosity, what pairs were you bowling on that required the scooter to be moved? If you were bowling anywhere from approximately lane 11 to 36, I actually see that as a reasonable request from the lane monitor. That area is pretty tight to begin with, and I would believe an object obstructing that path may be considered a hazard in case of an emergency or evacuation. The rest of the Stadium settee area seems to have adequate space for such a request however, in my opinion.

Just curious.

"Chicks dig the trip 4" -Randy Pederson


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Re: Tournament Review
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2010, 07:42:26 AM »
I didn't have any issues with the approaches, nor did I see anyone around us having issues.  I think I was there a couple of days before you, and the weather was cool, we didn't see 70 degrees until sat (5/29), so that may have had some impact on the approaches.  For team (2:30pm) we were on 21/22 with minors (9:20am) on 49/50 and 50/51.

I'm not sure I agree with the strike at will on the higher end, although I did have good carry on Friday (5/28) (643 doubles, 651 singles).  I really wasn't paying attention to the lanes around me, but I really didn't see a lot of big games thrown.  I struggled in team (550) thanks to some horrid spare shooting, flagged 2 4-pins a 6-pin, and found the ditch on a spare.  But all in all, 1844 AE was a good years.

I used my Virtual Energy for just about all of the games, playing playing a break point just outside of 10, standing 25 on the approach.


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Re: Tournament Review
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2010, 07:54:23 AM »
There were signs stating the registration would close
at 5 on Monday and open on 6 Tuesday.
Perhaps you just missed seeing it.
Most Booths follow what USBC does.
I think they have some sort of celebration
for all the workers.
Remember they are open 7 days and deserve a lil time to
celebrate a holiday as well.
Hope this helps.
We bowled on Monday at 2:30 and Tuesday at 9:20.
I found the approaches  just fine.
Ambassador Of Bowling


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Re: Tournament Review
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2010, 10:27:09 AM »
Hey Ship,

Actually I shot 540 and 500 in D/S.  I could not seem to get out of my own way in shooting spares.  I chopped alot of spares this year.  The equipment I used was the total bedlam, tropic heat, even drilled a new mission out there.  I almost got an invasion (Yes I know).  But after figuring all the items to have it drilled the ball would have been almost 300 after tax.  

Surface wise I really left everything in the Out of box finish.  I think in d/s I could have stood to have more surface but given that I saw a ton of hook in team I assumed that it would be close to the day before.

As for where we bowled at yes I bowled in that section where the walk area is tight.  I do have a problem with making a request to move the item out of the way if they are unable to really walk around.  Just like any business that operates you have to take into consideration for those items.  I am sorry but those stands are empty during the tournament.  Why not move those back a bit to open the area up?

In regards to the booths I understand your point but if you post your hours and they don't jive with what you have up there, unless you have something saying for a special expception like you say.  I got some issue with that. I will say this about the booths though.  Both Brunswick and the Ebonite booths opened early when we were there and their customer service was TOP NOTCH