Well, spent the day in the room all day... Depressed from shooting 489 the night before, didn't even want to get out of bed... But, I did wake up and my knees did feel better, so that was an upside.. We also attempted to eat the majority of the food we bought for the week...
We had the 5:30 D/S squad, left the room at about 4:20 and got to the bowl around 4:35.. picked up the whopping $20 I won the night before.. then hit the ATM for brackets today...
Paid the $12 to get my photo and throw some warm ups.. Felt a lot better than yesterday.. Timing was better, release was stronger and cleaner, and knee didn't hurt as much... Was just finishing up warm ups as the announcements were started.. Never had any time to go see who was bowling in front of us.. We were on 3-4 D and 1-2 S
Arrived at the lanes, started with my 1000 grit shift with the tournament drill, started next to the ball return, inside 20, out to ten, never made the corner...
Switched to black widow 1000 grit, pin above bridge, moved right about 6 and didn't make the corner.. Tried a kinetic energy with 90 degree dual angle 1000 grit from 15 to 10, made a bad shot and didn't make the pocket.. Went back to the Shift moved right and played there for 2 frames with no success..
Finally I grabbed my 2000 grit Total NV, stood 22 threw 17 to 10ish, went to a strong hand position and struck, light, but it struck, stayed in that area and shot 236 to start.. Second game 206 third game 201 with a 4-9 in the tenth... I missed a 3-6, 1-2-10, and 4-9 in Doubles.. Shot 643, dad struggled to a 550ish for 1190's...
Singles started out in the same area but was moving left ever so slightly.. I was standing 24 throwing just inside 20 to 10.. same ball same hand same speed.. Lot of strike, can't remember the spares (don't have the sheet in front of me) shot 255 to start.. Next game moved to about 30 on the slide, started front 4 then had two ten pins where the messenger missed just in front, then two bad shots the left a 6 and a four, then finished out for 225.. Final game started out front 6, then made a bad shot and left the big four

for my first open of singles

.. Had a 7 count converted then threw 2 more then left a 10 pin which I just went up and tossed at and missed.. 238 finish for a 718..
So I shot 489-643-718 for 1850.. As of writing this I am in 104th in singles, just wish I could have finished the third game for 300 for 780 and put me in 4th, but I am happy as a pig in mud with this...
Ended up shooting two career scores this year, 483 career low, and 718 career high.. My two outstanding goals were shooting 700 and 1900.. a few years ago I shot 1898 and this year I shot 700, so one down and one soon to come...
After bowling we ate and Landry's SeaFood House.. Had the Chilean Sea Bass (not the madrid style) very very good.. Mom and the madrid style, and I thought mine was better.. portion was a bit small, but well worth it...
After Landry's we went back to stoneface pub.. Good service, a few good looking girls.. But good beer, good service, good time...
We are leaving tomorrow at noon Albuquerque time to return the car, so there are a few things we didn't do that I wish we had...
Wish we would have eating at Tucanos and Sadies.. A local today told me of El Pinto out by Sandia which is supposed to be excellent.. And we never made it to the Library, which I really wanted to hit up.. but oh well... There is always VEGAS BABY!
Edited on 5/22/2008 3:27 AM