Second, does anyone know if any of the bowling centers in town are putting down the Nationals shot to practice on?
practicing on "the shot" wont be anything close to what you will see
impossible to duplicate the shot on whatever lane surface they have
what it will do is to get you used to seeing what an errant shot will do
and, you should double up on your spare shooting in practice, throw at every single spare
spare ball is preferable on these types of patterns
throw straight at all of them except ones with double wood
good spare shooting is the difference between 150 and 190 sometimes
You can book the practice lanes there, although they are not quite the same as your event lanes
no matter what you do, remember, this is a tough shot!
1.7 - 1 is no joke
most of all, have fun, enjoy yourself in Reno
we tried this place, about 3 blocks from convention center (we walked)
very good food and craft beer selection
The Depot Craft Brewery Distillery