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Author Topic: USBC Nationals Pattern - download  (Read 6834 times)


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USBC Nationals Pattern - download
« on: February 16, 2009, 06:18:12 AM »
is it possible to download this year's or last years usbc nationals pattern onto a programmable lane oiling machine?  if so where can I go to download these files?  our proprietor is willing to do this but not sure how.  we want to practice a couple of times on something resembling what we will see in vegas, understanding totally it wont be the exact same thing, but much tougher than our local ditch where you almost cant miss unless you trip and fall down.

thanks doug
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Re: USBC Nationals Pattern - download
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2009, 01:28:59 PM »
few more loads it looks like, and more oil in the middle of the lane which is an awesome thing...
RYAN MCDANIEL...University of Wisconsin Whitewater Men's Bowling...5th place at nationals in 07/08
great new website!!!


Diamonds...she'll pretty much HAVE to!!!

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Re: USBC Nationals Pattern - download
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2009, 09:17:06 PM »
few more loads it looks like, and more oil in the middle of the lane which is an awesome thing...
RYAN MCDANIEL...University of Wisconsin Whitewater Men's Bowling...5th place at nationals in 07/08
great new website!!!


Diamonds...she'll pretty much HAVE to!!!
I can't read graphs for crap. But if this is true, then wow..... Just wow...


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Re: USBC Nationals Pattern - download
« Reply #18 on: February 19, 2009, 10:08:15 PM »
I can't read graphs for crap. But if this is true, then wow..... Just wow...

The easiest place to see that is that last year total units were 24ml, this year it's 26ml.  Also the total boards crossed is higher
It IS next year!

Edited on 2/20/2009 9:10 AM


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Re: USBC Nationals Pattern - download
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2009, 07:59:20 AM »
Does anyone out there know how to translate this into a pad machine?  My center has an old AMF Summit.  Anyone?
Me: "These lanes are tight. I have 2 boards!"
My buddy with front 8: "Me too!"
Me: "Yeah, but yours both have arrows on them, and an arrow in between!"


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Re: USBC Nationals Pattern - download
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2009, 10:21:36 AM »
seems like they just wanted to create more hold on the inside part of the excited for that, cuz last year if i missed in it was FACE, but miss right i could get it back and get the strike or at least a 9 count...

RYAN MCDANIEL...University of Wisconsin Whitewater Men's Bowling...5th place at nationals in 07/08
great new website!!!


Diamonds...she'll pretty much HAVE to!!!


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Re: USBC Nationals Pattern - download
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2009, 11:19:19 PM »
There's more overall in the pattern, not necessarily in the middle.  You miss in it will still go high, you miss out it will stay out.  I don't understand why USBC went with more volume. Do we need to sell more sponges?  Was there not enough sales at the booths the last few years?  Do they only want power players to score well?

There will still be that fake shot on the gutter that 5% of the bowling world will be able to play. And the rest of us will be inside not getting it outside of 10.

Strong covers and inside lines FTW!

*...Got the 5 out clean!

To prove I'm real 270-2931


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Re: USBC Nationals Pattern - download
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2009, 01:03:15 AM »
There's more overall in the pattern, not necessarily in the middle.  You miss in it will still go high, you miss out it will stay out.  I don't understand why USBC went with more volume. Do we need to sell more sponges?  Was there not enough sales at the booths the last few years?  Do they only want power players to score well?

There will still be that fake shot on the gutter that 5% of the bowling world will be able to play. And the rest of us will be inside not getting it outside of 10.

Strong covers and inside lines FTW!

*...Got the 5 out clean!

To prove I'm real 270-2931

It IS next year!


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Re: USBC Nationals Pattern - download
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2009, 05:42:14 AM »
Well said backswing.

For those wanting to know how to attack the pattern, the Jasnau session is your best bet, IMHO:


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Re: USBC Nationals Pattern - download
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2009, 09:08:05 AM »
see i dont know about not getting it outside 10...i guess maybe its just guys with tilt and a slower ball speed, but i know of 2 guys who were able to get it to 5-6 and get it back, they dont have as much as hand as i do, just more tilt and less speed so i had to stay closer in...but idk just something i saw, so maybe if you can get tilt and slow the speed down..........
RYAN MCDANIEL...University of Wisconsin Whitewater Men's Bowling...5th place at nationals in 07/08
great new website!!!


Diamonds...she'll pretty much HAVE to!!!


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Re: USBC Nationals Pattern - download
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2009, 01:35:06 PM »
From what I heard the reason for the added volume this year is because

1. The lane surface is Brunswick Pro Lane. More friction than ProAnvil. Maybe someone who has bowled more on this surface may be able to give more feed back.
2. New balls seem to pick up more and more oil off the lane each year so more oil up front to help the ball get thru the heads longer.
3. Normal year to year adjustment to the pattern trying to make improvements to make it challenging but playable for as many as possible. Should play similar to most Nationals since the same group has set the pattern up for the last few years.

My $.02


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Re: USBC Nationals Pattern - download
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2009, 08:28:01 PM »
The last year they were more equitable from left to right and style to style was in Corpus Christie.  The lower volume allowed all styles to have a look.  In, out, high speed, low speed, high rev, low.

More oil means higher revs or slower speeds will have a better look.  Teams can break them down correctly and still only the select few will be able to bring it back from no man's land.

*...Got the 5 out clean!

To prove I'm real 270-2931


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Re: USBC Nationals Pattern - download
« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2009, 09:12:58 PM »
From what I heard the reason for the added volume this year is because

1. The lane surface is Brunswick Pro Lane. More friction than ProAnvil. Maybe someone who has bowled more on this surface may be able to give more feed back.

The center here in C-Bus where they are hosting the PBA event in two weeks has the Pro Lane surface. When they were installing it, the owner was telling me more about it. The first panel or heads, is hard like normal pro-anvilane. the second panel is a little softer and then the next panel even more softer with the last panels being there softest. The concept is to make synthetics play like wood with the durability of synthethics. When they "wall" them up at this place, they get stoopid easy. They can be really challenging when he puts a flatter pattern down.

These volumes look like the softer speed guys will have a definite good look as the high rev guys usually throw quite a bit harder to control there downlane motion on normal conditions.

"Why don't you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to his college professor in Back to School ~~1986

Mike Craig-Columbus, OH

Edited on 2/23/2009 11:17 AM
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH