I played the early squad...here are my thoughts:
Yes, it's the fresh. Now...did they play like Team? Not at all.
Out of the gates, I had an awesome look. Two practice shots on each lane, got lined up standing 18, looking 15, out to around 9-10. Go 8 spare, six in a row, and then...
#@)&$! There goes the look. The backends got tight (they were way cleaner than Team -- I've heard from some folks this is because they double strip at night)...and I made some poor choices along the way, plus missed a few spares I shouldn't have. Looking back, I kinda got carried away striking so much early, and missed out on what could have been a more successful minors if I had only made sure to really stay on top of the oil breakdown.
All in all, I still would have much rather bowled the night before. My team was scheduled to bowl the late D/S squad...my partner decided to get food poisoning. Everyone else got to bowl late (on a broken down lane which would seem to have really matched up well with my game), but I had to wait and bowl on the fresh...so sad
