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Author Topic: USBC Nationals - Success/Failed stories  (Read 834 times)


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USBC Nationals - Success/Failed stories
« on: January 26, 2009, 07:13:58 AM »
just wondering how all of you played the USBC shot in the last few years.  I am going this year after a hiatus since 2003.  Was womdering is anyone would like to share their success stories, what worked for them, what lines/angles, what type of balls worked best (polished, dull, arc/skidflip, etc).  Also would like to hear what didnt work.   I myself am a very accurate slow speed player with decent revs but nothing much in the way of power.  I can play fairly deep and I can play straight up.  Just cant real deep as I wont carry, not enough revs.  Good spare shooter and will bring plastic for my righty spares.  Last time I threw away 100 pins easy in 10 pins cuz I didnt bring plastic.  Not again.  Right now I have best success with strong arcing equipment - gamebreakers, big time, fury solid, etc.  never been a real good skid flipper kind of guy.

Anyways please let me know what worked for you at nationals.  any pointers will be greatly appreciated.  thanks in advance doug
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