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Author Topic: USBC Open Sub needed on 6/11 6/12  (Read 1537 times)


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USBC Open Sub needed on 6/11 6/12
« on: May 26, 2010, 03:27:20 AM »
I have a team that needs a solid 190-210 avg bowler to sub all events. We bowl Friday @ 8:30pm (T) and Saturday 5:30pm (D/S). The team you are bowling with should have solid 189-197-198-230 avg bowlers. The companion team is requesting that we attempt to break the lanes down on the outside (Riggs Method) to open the lane for games 2 & 3. Anyone interested in this should reply to this post. Your doubles partner has an avg of 206.

I will contact you.



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Re: USBC Open Sub needed on 6/11 6/12
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2010, 11:05:16 PM »
Anyone interested give us a shout. I am on the companion team and would love to see one of the regulars out here join in on the fun. We have a good time bowling, but also have multiple team titles to our credit. Dallas, Texas State Div. 1, Oil Capital and local tournaments. I think the fact we support each other and have fun is what has helped us stay loose and score well.

T C 300

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Re: USBC Open Sub needed on 6/11 6/12
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2010, 11:13:03 PM »
being a lil picky arent we...????  so if this person has a good look around 4th or 5th arrow, you gona tell him/her NO!! play outside with us?!?!?!?


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Re: USBC Open Sub needed on 6/11 6/12
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2010, 11:15:38 PM »
We have 2-3 guys that love the inside. We have shot 2800-3000 out there and wnat to explore the Riggs method to see if we can open up the lane like they had in the video. We want to turn our $300 check into $3000.


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Re: USBC Open Sub needed on 6/11 6/12
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2010, 11:27:12 PM »
I am one of those that loves playing left of center and wheeling on the ball. We practiced on the shot a week ago and even I had a better look in the track or should I say better carry. I don't think picky is the word, but being honest about our game plan going into the tournament. Lane conditions will dictate a lot and we know that too. What we saw on the practice lanes matched what was on those videos perfectly.


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Re: USBC Open Sub needed on 6/11 6/12
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2010, 08:05:57 AM »
One tip,  your practice lanes won't be like the lanes a NBS. Also, if you have a preconceived idea of what you want to make in brackets, it might put a little pressure on the bowlers?



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Re: USBC Open Sub needed on 6/11 6/12
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2010, 09:14:46 AM »
The $3000 is an amount I just threw out there. We feel that if we can open the lanes up, that our scores will reflect this. If we shoot over 3000 in the tournament then the check will be more than our usual $300. We are not talking brackets.


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Re: USBC Open Sub needed on 6/11 6/12
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2010, 12:18:18 AM »
We are just putting our plan out there so there are no surprises.  No one on the team is expecting the practice house to play the same as the stadium.  We prefer not to start practice and the sub starts playing 4th arrow and refuses to even try playing outside with the rest of the group.

It is apparent that due to the economy, lots of teams are looking for subs during the time we are bowling as well as the remainder of the tournament.  By posting that we are going to try to manage the breakdown of the pattern. It might be something that will give us a slight advantage over other teams looking for a sub.

T C 300

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Re: USBC Open Sub needed on 6/11 6/12
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2010, 08:04:25 PM »
sounds like you guys are tryn to turn the open shot into a house shot....

 NOT GONA HAPPEN!!   lol  

as far as a game plan, should worry more bout getn the spot filled rather than some1 willing to "play" by your rules.....

Edited on 5/29/2010 8:05 PM


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Re: USBC Open Sub needed on 6/11 6/12
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2010, 11:39:42 PM »
This will be my 15th consecutive year. We know what has been there in the past. We know what is on the video. We also know we have never even tried to work as as team. I don''t think I have heard of a single spot being filled by asking on here, but at least we wanted to ask. We really didn''t figure we would get sacrastic replies about our intent, especially with the rave revues of Riggs group after their consistent success. I think it is big of Riggs to open up the world to what makes there game plans work and hey I have been the most resistant to trying out of the bunch. So yes I am sceptical. Videos don''t lie and there are three different teams that have played on camera and showed us the way. We would be crazy to continue to do what we have in the past and expect a different result. So we bow to the teams that win this one and will at least start out trying to emulate. Oh and the brackets comments. We don''t invest a fortune in brackets, we are not rich, but we do win as a team. So why not try and go for the eagle. What is the worst thing that can happen? We shoot another 2700, 2800 or maybe even get close to 3000, or it works and we get to have the last laugh or bomb and get to say we failed but had fun.

One thing for sure, we always have fun. We are not filling a spot on our team, we are helping out a companion team that lost a bowler. The name is SLAM, strike like a machine and when we get hot that is what we can do.

Edited on 5/30/2010 0:07 AM


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Re: USBC Open Sub needed on 6/11 6/12
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2010, 09:14:43 AM »
I thought when you go to the USBC Championship, you go as team and then be able to bowl singles and doubles.  When it comes to these championships for team event, you bowl AS a TEAM not as an individual.  Those that are serious about competing in these events have a game plan or plans and work on those for quite some time beforehand in order to score as well as they can. Even if it's out of the bowler's regular comfort zone.  Versatility is the key here.  This sounds like the bowler is one dimensional and doesn't want to be part of a "team".  As demonstrated with the teams that have won this event, the shot can be broken down.  You work as a team.  When you bowl doubles, you are still part of a "team" and you work with your teammate to do whatever you can in order to bowl well.  If you want to do whatever you want, then you've got singles to do it in.  But to be fair to the team you are bowling with, especially if they are there to bowl to win, you do whatever it takes and leave your ego at the door.


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Re: USBC Open Sub needed on 6/11 6/12
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2010, 03:48:42 PM »
Well said Track Fanatic. We have won numerous tournaments and most in team event. We have not game planned but have always been versatile and took what the lanes give us. The Nationals is the one tournament that is appears having a game plan is a must. So we are going to go in with some practice and a game plan. We are asking the other team to follow, but can not control the other team. Next year we will roll into Reno with two solid higher average teams and with a 2 team game plan. Funny a request for a bowler has turned into a stratagy discussion.