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Author Topic: USBC practice shot vs actual shot  (Read 1565 times)

D Scott Johnson

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USBC practice shot vs actual shot
« on: March 28, 2008, 02:48:46 PM »
Just a quick question...

A local house is putting out the USBC shot to practice on.  Here is my impression of it:  outside 9 to gutter is pretty much out of bounds, inside of that wants to be pretty jumpy, really deep was always coming late...played around with Bite, Absolute Inferno, and Red Zone.  My best shot was with the Red Zone crossing 16 going out to about 12 and then rolling up.

Now for my question...

For those who have already bowled in Albuquerque, does this sound at all like the fresh team shot you experienced?  Were they pretty jumpy straight up 9-10-11?  

Just wondering because while I know no practice condition will be exact, I don't want to practice on this condition if it isn't going to help me get used to the shot at the USBC or at least close.  Thank you for your responses.  Scott



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Re: USBC practice shot vs actual shot
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2008, 12:22:02 PM »
You are in the right area....  Check out my post for additional info.  I tried two shots outside and neither was any good.  


Mike L

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Re: USBC practice shot vs actual shot
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2008, 11:57:01 AM »
i just got back yesterday.

heres my impression of the shot

I rolled my special agent, pin under ring and had a nice smooth ball reaction, but outside of 10 was pretty much ob.  I tried to play 16-12 with some success, shot 208, 203.  lanes dried up a touch the last game, so i moved in to 18-12 and shot 210 for 621.  If you didnt get the ball through the heads far enough, the ball does check early and if you pitch it out it couldnt recover unless you really strap on it.  Couple bad shots but kept the ball pretty much in play to score ok.  

Watched the teams in front of us and saw most of them trying to play outside of 10, needless to say, neither team shot 900 any game, but they did open up the outside to give a lil miss room right.  Started out playing 22-12 226-256 then the heads started to hook a lil and shot 191, but moved in to 25 and left 2 good 7 pins that came in light for 682.  Moved over to our singles pair, playing 22-12 and threw my first shot kinda bad and washed out, then stoned a 9 and struck out for 268, followed by 247 247 for 762 (4-9 in the 10th the last game that could have fell or at least left me one or the other)

I basically played them very close to last year, but you just gotta pick up the transition when it happens and it makes a HUGE difference who you follow in doubles/singles.

Throw good shots and they are very scorable, you just cant spray it all over the place, which is how bowling should be.

All in all a good showing, profitted about $3000 in brackets and probably another $4000-$5000 in prize money, plus if 191 makes it by the super brackets, I have a good chance to win some big money
"Typical House Bowler"

Minnesota Don

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Re: USBC practice shot vs actual shot
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2008, 12:05:47 PM »
We shot back in March, found your practice shot to be close to what we experienced but the shot changed each game as we had 10 bowlers with a wide range of styles that moved the oil around all through the set. We did not work to create an area. Bowlers with big hands had the most trouble but the heavy oil caused a lot of spare chopping. Our teams had averages between 210-225 per man but accuracy was more important than power. Balls were out of bounds to the right of 8-10. If you can minimize the bend and play 15-10 or 12-8 you'll be in play. Used both the BW Bite and Lane 1 Buzz Bomb. If you didn't have an aggressive ball (for a tweener) you'll be right of pocket.

Mike L

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Re: USBC practice shot vs actual shot
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2008, 10:30:19 PM »
Thanks alot, i threw it pretty decent out there this year, now if I can get lucky in the super brackets it will be a really good trip
"Typical House Bowler"