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Author Topic: vise tape tool and scissors? flying to reno?  (Read 3439 times)


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vise tape tool and scissors? flying to reno?
« on: April 10, 2010, 04:01:56 AM »
IM flying to reno on the 23rd of this month and had a question maybe some of you guys have had this problem and might know the checking in two three ball totes and carrying my shoes with my clothes on with me...i have one of the vise tape tools that is like a small knife and a regualr size pair of scissors i have in my accesories bag and want to know if those items will cause any problems trying to get on the plane if they are with me? i could put them in the totes which are being checked in? i just dont want to get there and cause a big problem or them think im a terroist trying to carry on those items...or are they even allowed to go? thanks for any replies
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Re: vise tape tool and scissors? flying to reno?
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2010, 09:47:45 PM »
According to TSA website, you can carron on 4" scissors and 7" in screw driver..  Don't remember what it said about blades..   Just wrap them to protect anyone digging through your stuff.


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Re: vise tape tool and scissors? flying to reno?
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2010, 11:52:49 AM »
I flew out of fort wayne and they DID NOT let me carry on two balls, they said because they cant see thru them via xray that they are a no no.  now for the record every year since 9-11 i have carried on at least one ball with no issue, small airports suck badly with the way they take the rules litterally, oh and by the way, bowling balls are not on the unapproved list, the TSA let a guy get on with tennis rackets (IMHO more of a weapon then a bolwing ball) but alas it was a losing argument


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Re: vise tape tool and scissors? flying to reno?
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2010, 12:26:36 PM »
Since 9-11 I haven't been able to carry on any balls on the plane.  Before 9-11 I always carried a 2 ball tote


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Re: vise tape tool and scissors? flying to reno?
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2010, 03:51:12 PM »
It is NOT up to the airline to decide if you can carry on balls or not.  They can say you can or can''''t as far as they are concerned but the final decision comes down to the TSA supervisor in charge at the time you try to get that carry on through the scanners.  We''''ve been going with 4 teams for years and have had no problems at times and at other times it''''s no go, even with the SAME airline out of the same airport.  Finally the last time it got nixed we asked the TSA supervisor why the inconsistancy, and he told us it in the end is each individual supervisors decision to allow them or not.  He even said that some that normally will let them go through sometimes won''t if it''s been a bad day.  Kind of like a cop deciding to give you a ticket or a warning for going 11 miles over the limit.  We don''''t even try carry on anymore.


Edited on 4/14/2010 3:52 PM

Edited on 4/14/2010 3:52 PM