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Author Topic: Well, I leave in 15 hours for Alb... REPORT finally up!  (Read 3149 times)

Platinum Bowler

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Well, I leave in 15 hours for Alb... REPORT finally up!
« on: April 15, 2008, 12:37:08 PM »
... and bowl team event tomorrow night at 8:30, and then doubles/singles Thursday night 11:30 squad. Just wanted to get this posted up early, so that it will make me write up my report of my bowling. Last year, after surprisingly bowling really well, I said that I would post up a report and I just got too busy and never did it. I know some people wrote me and asked why I didn't, so this year I am just making sure that I will. Thank you, and talk to you soon. Good luck!

Well, I arrived back home on Friday, but I have been beyond busy since then, and finally have the time to post up my report. I took a notebook to write down some notes, but because of some certain events I never had the chance to ink anything down and I am now going on pure memory... Sorry! Well, the trip didn't have the greatest start, because the guy who is in charge of entering our teams into all of the events messed up and some how only sent a check in for all of us to bowl the Team event only. So with many hours of working on fitting us all into D/S events, it was pretty much time to bowl Team after a very exhausting day. Oh yeah, we take two teams, and only 4 Doubles teams could be kept in for our usual scheduled D/S event squad for the 2nd day at 11:30, meaning that just two of us bowlers had to bowl D/S right after our Team event that night. Of course nobody wanted to bowl 9 straight games, especially after the day we had, but two of us had to, and the guy who messed it all up volunteered to bowl it then since he is the reason that it was all messed up to beging with. Yeah, I was paired to bowl Doubles with him, so I decided to suck it up and do what I could...

Team, Wednesday 8:30 PM:
Well we bowled Team on lanes 1 and 2, which right away I wasn't too pleased about, but the one Eagle winner on our team said that the first few pairs have been putting up some decent scores, so that made me feel a little better. Most of us decided to try to burn up the outsides, and from what we have read and heard, that the best game plan was to burn up around the 4-6 boards. Right away I noticed that the shot was actually around that area, for my ball was moving pretty well from there, and any further out only resulted in a 2 pin, or if further out on obviously a bad shot, it would have no chance to recover. I used my Storm Special Agent in all of the Team event and the first game I started standing 12 and tried walking straight for me, which is still a 4-5 board left drift and roll it out no further from 12 out to about 6-7. Which this is pretty straight for me, and definitely not my A game. After the first half of the game I realized that lane 2 was dramatically drier than lane 1 and had a bigger bump that was further out than on lane 1. I ended up with a 215 for game 1 that could have been a ton better. I don't know why, but for the entire Team event, I was just not as focused as I should have been. It really seemed like I would go great shot-great shot-grab the ball and just throw it. This was really irritating me, but for some reason I kept doing it! 2nd game was a 204, and decided then to stop messing around and to fully focus that 3rd game cause I felt I that I could really put something together. Started with the first 3, and then an errant shot resulted in a chop of the 3-6-10 spare attempt (the only makeable open I had, so not too bad I guess). The left lane started to finally break down from that point, but not like the right lane where I could get it out and it would still recover, but more of an over/under look with the ball starting to just hook off my hand in the middle, but wouldn't recover outside. I thought of switching balls to my Storm Rapid Fire for the rest of the set, but because I am so stubborn I didn't and just struggled the rest of the way. I finally got a strike when I switched to the Rapid Fire in the 10th, but then another unfocused shot afterwards resulted in a 6 pin spare and 198 game for Team set of 617. I was high on my team by about 50, and everyone else was anywhere from 570 to the 50X's. One guy on the other team with us shot a 65X keeping the ball really tight inside, and just had end-over-end type roll that could hold ifpulled in, but also recovered pretty well if thrown outside a little as well.

Well, now that Team was over and with about 15 minutes before we had to start D/S I checked on my bracket results which saw a decent profit, I decided to enter in for more for D/S. Practice for D/S started while we were in the back entering brackets, so my partner and I ran to get our practice shots in...

Doubles, Wednesday 11:30 PM- Lanes 45 and 46
We were on the whole other side of the lanes now, and it was just me and my partner on the pair, and we knew that we had to take advantage of this. I started practice with my Rapid Fire hoping it would give a better look like I figured it did in Team, and right away I knew that it was. I was now playing more of "my game" and was standing on 25 on the right lane, and 27 on the left (because it had more bounce), and started the 1st game X-weak 10-weak 10. I started to second guess myself then, but decided to just remain where I was, but focus more on getting around the ball even more than I usually do. That resulted into a 5-bagger before another errant shot, and ending with a 247 game. I had a ton more of room with this ball. I could tug it just slightly and it would just hold enough to completely turn into the pocket at the very end for very flush strikes. 2nd game started with the first three, then wrapped 10, then three more before throwing again another errant shot, and settling with another 247 game. The 3rd game I was on pace for another good game before throwing a very bad shot that I tugged, but still almost held, but resulted in a 4-9 split. Goodbye Clean 30! Haha. I forgot to put that I could get the ball out to about 11-12 and it would finish perfectly as well. Any further it would be a light hit, or a bucket at worst, which I had left in the 3rd game, but I also had thrown that ball a lot firmer than any other shots of the night. Anyways, finished the 3rd game with a 212 and my total was a 706, and Doubles total was 1336. Not too bad when my partner had started with a 17X game... He was not happy!

Singles, Lanes 47 and 48
Well, I took the first shot for Singles and can you say BURNT? Wow... The ball hooked off of my hand immediately and I swear it never crossed the 20th board, ended up barely hitting the 2-4 for a STRIKE. Yes, I said for a STRIKE. Something came and tripped the 1-3-6 that was standing like a domino... Wow, was it my night! So the very next shot jumped 10 boards left and had a great look. Went 1st 3, weak 10-spare, next 3, before again throwing an errant shot in the 8th for a split open. I then proceeded to finish the game off with strikes for a 245. The next game, I shot 236 with another bad shot coming in the latter part of the game... a 2-10 (spared it)... but it didn't even seem possible to get anything that right on this pair, and that just shows how bad my shots had been in later parts of the games that night. Anyways, 3rd game was a 175, which could have been a 21X at best. Started it off three bad shots, with an open in the 3rd. I then went weak 10 for the /-X- rip 9/- X - pocket 8-10! Guess I was paying for all of the good carry earlier in the night!  I don't really know what happened this game though. I lost some focus, but the pair also started to get iffy on me, and it really tightened up. Through this 3-game set, I moved left quite a bit and by the end of 3rd game, I was close to lofting the ball over the gutter. Finished this set for a 656, and an All-Events total of 1979. Of course, I was very happy with this, and unfortunatly I was the high on my team by quite a bit.

One of the four bowlers who we switched pairs with, did great in Singles. I think he shot 753. I believe that we really helped the lanes for him, because he really wheeled it, and was a bit more to the left of where I was, and was just banking it off of where I was, and still had all of that hold from being so much more in than I. He was one X away from making the board. My partner and I talked about it afterwards, and we felt that if the lane assignments had been the other way, and we started on 47 and 48 and switched to 45 and 46 for Singles with them, that we all could have put up bigger scores. Oh well, can't control that. It is all part of the tournament and luck of the draw.

I hope this all helps everyone. Sorry again that it took me so long to get the full report up. Good luck to all!

Edited on 4/21/2008 7:09 PM

Edited on 4/25/2008 6:29 PM

Edited on 4/25/2008 6:31 PM


Platinum Bowler

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Re: Well, I leave in 15 hours for Alb... REPORT finally up!
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2008, 06:34:05 PM »
Finally, my whole report is up. Hope that it helps! Thank you.


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Re: Well, I leave in 15 hours for Alb... REPORT finally up!
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2008, 12:26:44 PM »
awesome bowling
glad you enjoyed yourself

current arsenal
Storm Attitude Shift
Storm T-Road Pearl
Morich Shock & Awe
Morich LevRG
Roto Grip Odyssey
Roto Grip Quest
Roto Grip Cell
Brunswick vizaball Ichiro
Columbia 300 Piranha/c Pearl (old school )

Ebonite SR300 15lb (4 sale)
Morich Awesome Finish 15lb (4 sale)
Morich Ravage 15lb (4 sale)
pm me if intersted in any of these balls for sale