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Author Topic: What are Gaurdian Lane Surfaces  (Read 1092 times)


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What are Gaurdian Lane Surfaces
« on: May 11, 2010, 01:59:02 PM »
The lanes where im going to be bowling for my Youth State Pepsi Tournament have Gaurdian Lane surfaces.  I have never bowled on Gaurdian before so what can I expect from them. Are they high Friction? Any suggestions how to play a gaurdian lane? Any suggetions or tips is greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone!



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Re: What are Gaurdian Lane Surfaces
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2010, 07:23:18 AM »
Gaurdian is basically a plastic coating that they put on the heads of aging wood least that's my understanding.  The few times that I've bowled on them they were extremely high friction surfaces...think of the worst wood head you've ever seen and then go a step further.  Some places try to combat that with more units in the heads, but other might not.  It will be an experience to bowl on for sure.  Continually moving deeper will only get you so far depending on how fast the heads burn speed and/or loft will also be something to keep in mind.

Good luck!
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: What are Gaurdian Lane Surfaces
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2010, 08:09:28 AM »
Yes.  They are the softest surface, hence the highest friction.  It is a band-aid they place on the lanes when they need new lanes, but can't afford it.  They do tend to break down fast, so try to avoid the traffic if you can.
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Re: What are Gaurdian Lane Surfaces
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2010, 08:15:37 AM »
Guardian is a thin plastic sheet that "overlay"s on top of the existing wood. It is usually when the owner can''t afford the large expense of installing synthetics. The wood underneath should be put in as perfect a condition as possible, because the contours of that wood surface come right thru the sheet (it is really thin).

Guardian has the highest friction of any surface, as far as I know. One really nasty side effect is that it also seem to create a lot of carrydown.

If people start off with aggressive balls, expect transition to be fast, large and brutal. Keep your eyes wide open for ball reactions that indicate carrydown. You usually won''t see weak ten pins. You''ll start off seeing 2/8s and 2/8/10s.

On league nights, when we had 60 feet of Guardian, for just those 3 games, we used to move 15 boards deeper with our feet, as standard, as the night progressed (with two 5-person team per pair). If you''re bowling more than 3 games, I wish you luck. A lot rides with how the oil man handles this and in what kind of condition the Guardian and the underlying wood is.

Good luck.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 5/12/2010 8:46 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Dan Belcher

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Re: What are Gaurdian Lane Surfaces
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2010, 08:23:35 AM »
On league nights, when we had 60 feet of Guardian, for just those 3 games, we used to move 15 boards deeper with our feet, as standard, as the night progressed.
Ouch.  Last week in my PBA Experience league on AMF HPL synthetics, I had to move 15 boards left in three games (even though I'm a low rev guy and rarely have to play deep inside) on the Chameleon pattern.  With only 6 people on that pair of lanes.  I just died a little inside thinking about how evil that pattern would be on Guardian!


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Re: What are Gaurdian Lane Surfaces
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2010, 08:49:05 AM »
On league nights, when we had 60 feet of Guardian, for just those 3 games, we used to move 15 boards deeper with our feet, as standard, as the night progressed.
Ouch.  Last week in my PBA Experience league on AMF HPL synthetics, I had to move 15 boards left in three games (even though I'm a low rev guy and rarely have to play deep inside) on the Chameleon pattern.  With only 6 people on that pair of lanes.  I just died a little inside thinking about how evil that pattern would be on Guardian!

Forgot to add that that was with two 5 person teams per pair. I edited the original to note that. That many people maximizes the effect of the transition on the lanes. Now I bowl on 30 feet of Guardian, but the oilman is better. Transition happens DURING warm-ups.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."