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Author Topic: What did you use at Knoxville  (Read 8072 times)


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What did you use at Knoxville
« on: April 11, 2003, 02:03:49 PM »
Seeing that it is a shorter pattern with a short buff area just wondering what type of ball was working best and what drill pattern.  Im assuming a pearl or highly polished resin with a medium arcing backend.

Any comments are appreciated



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Re: What did you use at Knoxville
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2003, 03:05:17 AM »
I'll post my k'ville report soon, but I had most success playing inside 15 with my Thing. Drilled with pin under ring finger and cg kicked out. It may have helped to have something with a bit more backend when I had to play 25.
I didn't shoot the BJ or BTM so I can't help there.
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Re: What did you use at Knoxville
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2003, 03:23:10 PM »
I had the fortune of having a the team event at 2:30 on Thurs. and the singles and doubles on Friday at 11:30.  

I had some extra time on my hands.  My teammates wanted to sleep, so I went to the convention center and watched bowling all day.

The gutter was soo touchy, that I would stay away from it.  There were some really good players that tried to play out and then switched to way in.

The shot seemed to be 25-30 at the arrows and play out to about 15.  If you got it outside of 12, it was washout city. The heads really seemed to be hooking. There did not seem to be much tug.

I would have a weak pin(5-6"). I saw some balls with the mass bias beyond the track work pretty well.  You need something to get thru the heads really clean and read the midlane. I used a pink Raspberry Buzzsaw that was super shiny and it is drilled 5.5x4.

If you can control the breakpoint, you will do o.k.

By the way, make all your spares.



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Re: What did you use at Knoxville
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2003, 08:30:25 PM »
Just got back. For players with a fair amount of hand---I agree 100% with ONEBIGTWISTERs comment. I struggled mightily in teams for 1 game playing 5th arrow with a roll ball---the ball just continued to much off the break point. I shot a 125. Then I tried throwing rockets with less hand. No carry but a clean 194. Then the last game I switched to my Fuze---agressive ball with an arc drill. Shot 209 with a big 4 after a double and before a triple. Shot 528 there.

Doubles. I missed too many spares to count. Probably around 10---and still shot 508. Just stupid.

Singles. I banked in with the Fuze and got smart on my spares and shot a clean 638---I didnt get in the 30 clean side pot though---damn. By the end I was probably hitting 29 or 30 at the arrows out to maybe 15. The ball wasnt great for carry but left makable spares which I was making---at least Ill get a check for that.

Only Losers Feel Pressure
Chris Green
Bowler ID# 2039-6328

Monster Stitch

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Re: What did you use at Knoxville
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2003, 10:41:27 AM »
Wow, it really does seem the lanes are hooking in the
back. I heard from some bowlers that went in the beginning
that they used the long pattern and now switched to the
short pattern. So with all the hook and having to play
deep which ball and drillings would you guys suggest.

Moving deep helps but having the ball recover and
carrying is the question. What do you recommend for
strokers to use. I was playing way deep last year in
BILLINGS playing the 5th and 6th arrow out to 15 or 10
with a sanded pin under the ring finger strong rev leverage
drill pattern. Is it better to have the ball sanded or shiny?
I heard the team squads are different compared to the singles and doubles?

Please give me your insights? Particle or Reactive solids or pearls?

Edited on 4/24/2003 10:48 AM


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Re: What did you use at Knoxville
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2003, 02:49:15 PM »
This all sounds too much like Albuquerque and Syracuse in 1999 and 2000. I haven't gone yet, but you guys make me think I'll be using my Bolt Pro again between 20 and 24 with breakpoint around 12/13.

Bolt Pro is very mild solid, kind of in the ball park with an old Beast solid. I have sanded it to 1500-2000 and leave it dull, using Doc's Elixir these days. This surface gets good length almost anywhere. Pin is over the ring finger for extra length; CG is below, since this is not a flippy ball. It has a mild back end.

I'd suggest something like this. The vast majority of mild balls today are not truly very mild. I think the AMF Courage (a solid) or the WIld, if you sand them very fine like I did, would make good balls for this shot.

The idea is not to get so deep, like inside the 5th arrow. If you do need some flip to the ball and drilling to recover enough. Around the 4th arrow I still had enough so I didn't need a lot of revs to make it hit.


If the oil line is around 10, target 12 to give yourself some area right and some pull, if the ball and your delivery will allow. This pseudo-sport shot requires the minimum backend of your ball and your delivery to maintain some sense of freedom of swing. If you think you must hit that 1 board to score, you're not likely to hit it very often.
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Re: What did you use at Knoxville
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2003, 05:55:53 PM »

I understand most of that. I just re-hashed what I had done and what I used because of the comments that many of the people expressed in this thread alone. They mostly appeared to use stronger balls and standing even deeper than I stand plus they all seemed to comment on the huge backend. A milder ball such as I recomend would surely have more hold than these stronger balls PLUS it would have much less backend to control. This only seems to make sense.

If my ego is not too badly crushed by my ABC experience this year, I'll report on how this ball worked. Of course, I'm also dying to try an outside shot as we did not have that last year in Billings when my team bowled, despite most people's experience.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: What did you use at Knoxville
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2003, 06:12:12 PM »
Fluffer, do you have HPL lanes?
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: What did you use at Knoxville
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2003, 03:36:52 AM »
Just got back. Boy talk about dry!!! This was my third time and driest I've seen. Tried to use a Ultra Hot, pin above fingers in team and could get it past the arrows (Note: I have a lot of hand in the ball). Once I realized to flatten wrist, shot 540 playing 22 at arrows to 8. For the heck of it got remeasured at the storm booth and they found my finger pitches were way off. Went from 1/2 under to 5/8 away and drilled a Duece to go real long with decent back end. Well ball fits great and clears my hand great, but in D/S I shot 592/620 but get this: I had to play 30 at arrows to 5 at my break point(48 ft.). If I only got it to 8 I crossed and I had to throw it hard. It may have been an isolated pair or 2. I tried to flatten my wrist in D/S, got a weird reaction (maybe due to the new finger pitches that I'm not used to yet). I just think the pattern was too short, especially for todays equipment. Very jumpy just past 35'. Just an opinion. By the way, Folks at Storm booth (Carol Norman and Jeff Mark (who I already knew) were GREAT. Took their time and really seemed to care.

Edited on 5/4/2003 3:48 AM

Edited on 5/4/2003 3:49 AM
If you blame the lane conditions for your bad scores, then you had better thank them for your good ones!!


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Re: What did you use at Knoxville
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2003, 12:27:13 PM »
Just got back. Boy talk about dry!!! This was my third time and driest I've seen. Tried to use a Ultra Hot, pin above fingers in team and could get it past the arrows (Note: I have a lot of hand in the ball). Once I realized to flatten wrist, shot 540 playing 22 at arrows to 8. For the heck of it got remeasured at the storm booth and they found my finger pitches were way off. Went from 1/2 under to 5/8 away and drilled a Duece to go real long with decent back end. Well ball fits great and clears my hand great, but in D/S I shot 592/620 but get this: I had to play 30 at arrows to 5 at my break point(48 ft.). If I only got it to 8 I crossed and I had to throw it hard. It may have been an isolated pair or 2. I tried to flatten my wrist in D/S, got a weird reaction (maybe due to the new finger pitches that I'm not used to yet). I just think the pattern was too short, especially for todays equipment. Very jumpy just past 35'. Just an opinion. By the way, Folks at Storm booth (Carol Norman and Jeff Mark (who I already knew) were GREAT. Took their time and really seemed to care.

Edited on 5/4/2003 3:48 AM

Edited on 5/4/2003 3:49 AM

Thanks for the info, but if the lanes were way too dry for an Ultra Hot (even if it wasn't drilled perfect, you had been using it for some time or you wouldn't have brought it), why on earth would you drill up a ball (X Factor Duece) that's probably twice as strong?
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Re: What did you use at Knoxville
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2003, 05:47:57 PM »
I think that dry is a personal perception.  As has been mentioned before, the pattern on tournament web page is almost identical to the pattern in Billings, ans tat one didn't play dry.  Talking to people who have been that has been interesting.  Some say they were dry, while others said that there was plenty of oil in the heads and screaming backends.  One of the guys I bowl league with shot 761 in singles with a Track Stomp, and while I have plenty of hand, he has a lot more.  I may be mistaken, but I believe that the all events leader, Steve Kloempken from Storm threw an X-Factor.  When I get finsinshed at the end of the month (22/23), my perception may be the same or different.


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Re: What did you use at Knoxville
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2003, 06:27:22 PM »
dry --  oil means nothign UNTIL you know how they throw the ball. Duh!!

For a cranker it may be dry; for a fluffer it may be oily.

If you bowl sngl/dbls on the last shift before they re-oil, it will probably be very dry and very spotty.

If you bowl sngl/dbls after team which has a bunch of crankers
OR a bunch of fluffers who all brought ICON300s or Addictions, you're gonnas have problems. Duh, again!

Someone saying the lanes were dry means bub-kus. (Nothing!) They have to tell you how they throw what ball and when they threw it. Sheesh!

Has anyone read anything posted on this website???
Has anyone learned anything?

Sorry, I just don't understand the attitude, the point of view of some people. It's as if they hear you talking, but they just don't listen. No wonder I don't reply to more of Sawbone's posts. It's like what difference does it make; no one listens; no one learns. I feel useless.
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Re: What did you use at Knoxville
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2003, 12:49:37 PM »
Bowled 2 weeks ago, team 2:30 used polished granite gargoyle, played between 4th and 5th arrow out to 15. Had a very good reaction their. Friend was playing up 3rd with an El Nino' wraith and had a nice reaction their also.
Singles and doubles 7:00am on lanes 1-4. Back ends were uncontrollable first half of game one. Settled down after that, Played the same area as team just should have let the ball do the work. Tried to do too much. Would have liked to have bowled the second shift for doubles and singles. Looked like the shot had settled down pretty nice by then. Didn't score very good, but there was a shot to the pocket. Thought our carry was pretty good. Team mate was using Super carbide bomb and leaving 10 pins, finally got him moved right little more into the oil then he started carrying real good.  He blew couple of 10 pins smacked the wall on lane one and was done after that though.


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Re: What did you use at Knoxville
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2003, 04:44:02 PM »
Bowled the 11:30 AM Doubles/Singles squad on Sunday.  Used everything in my bag but was just not able to project the ball far enough down lane to hold pocket.  To say this squad was dry and spotty is an understatement.  While I don't have a lot of talent which explains most of my lack of scoring, I would have needed a cannon to keep the ball on the right side of the head pin from anywhere inside of 12 board, of course outside of 12 board there was no finish at all, at least not for me.

Monster Stitch

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Re: What did you use at Knoxville
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2003, 09:11:45 AM »
Well, after reading all of your feedbacks
it does seem the lanes are drier. But i
know everyone bowls diferently. Some has
more hands than others. I'm still debating
what i should bring. From Bob Hanson's
advice i'm thinking of bringing my Vortex 2
reactive sanded like i did last year. It worked
well. I have it drilled pin under the ring finger withh the cg
kicked out and a weight hole below. Something like a rev leverage.

What would you suggest guys for a second ball,

These are the balls i have:

Orig Apex Particle Resin - Rev leverage
Vortex Partice - 4 x 2
Vortex Pearl - 4 x 4
Savage pearl - label leverage
Triton Heat - 4 x 4

Or i was thinking of getting an Inferno or Apex Adrenaline.

Would a label drilling work there better or the rev lev.

Give me your feed back please!