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Author Topic: What i saw at nationals...  (Read 10122 times)


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What i saw at nationals...
« on: March 17, 2013, 01:14:39 AM »
I rolled the ball like crap, i was really tugging it at the bottom of the swing.

For me Team was my best look, i started @ 8 trying to hit 5-6 @the break point and if i didn't hit it at the bottom of the swing i had great reaction with a Blue Warlock @ 600. I never got deeper than 12 @ the arrows and trying to hit 8 @ the second range marker. If my ball was just outside the range marker i was good to go. But if i hit that range marker it was split city for me.
In team i had 6 opens, 3 splits in the first game for a sweet 162, clean 223 my second game and 3 splits for a 162 in game 3. I was on a roll in the second game when i tripped the 4 pin on a 4 bagger and made a small adjustment and lost my look. I tried to stay ahead of the transition that just wasn't there. Letting up on my speed really killed me.

Singles/Doubles- I tried to get into the BJ 2 days in a row and was unable, not really a walk in tourney...
I talked with Bill at the Motiv Booth and we talked about the balls i brought and he thought i had it all covered.
What i found out on the lanes was i didn't have a ball that had any pop on the back end that had any length. My Blue warlock was reading the pattern to early and i had 10 pin issues. Mutant cell @ 4000 had no pop on the back end and i was leaving 7 pins. Nexxus @ 2000 was the same as the Warlock, burning up before it would get to the pocket. And my Motiv Ascent Pearl would get down the lane but had no recovery. The farther right i got the less reaction i saw. I am sure it was me powering the ball. But i felt if i had a little stronger pearl in my hands i would have had a better reaction.

I Missed a total of 1 single pin spare it was a 4 pin that i lost concentration and missed it right. I throw straight at all my spares but i tried to hook it at a 4 pin once. I left more splits than i care to talk about.

If i had to do it all over again i would have bought that dam IQTP my wife was giving me crap about. And i am sure i would shoot better if i had another chance as the shot is playable if you can take some hand out of the ball.

Good luck all and hope you roll the ball better than i did. Already looking forward to next year.

Gambling was gambling. Played 3 dollar BJ @ Cal Neva for 6 hours and made a couple hundred dollars, wife hit for 1500 on a penny machine so all in all it was a good 4 days.



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Re: What i saw at nationals...
« Reply #31 on: March 21, 2013, 02:32:13 PM »
I hear a lot of people saying "the ball wouldn't make the corner" or "didn't have any pop on the backend". Was it because of carrydown? Was the ball just too strong and it was burning up? Or was the ball just too weak in general? I find it hard to believe that with the amount of friction there is at the stadium, and the fresh back-ends that balls won't make the corner. Just wondering what people were thinking about the reasons why they were seeing this. Thanks.

Chances are on the 41 foot team even, with the new oil that plays tighter than the norm we are used to, it may play like a 43 foot pattern.  Chances are the balls are not strong enough on the backend because you are almost forced into using something with surface which makes the backend reaction pretty mild; not causing enough entry angle. 

TWOHAND I think your statement is fairly accurate. I already bowled and to me the fronts play a little slicker(because of ICE?) than they have in past years. Because of that you may or may not catch the backend in time to get a proper reaction. More speed dominate guys like myself will probably notice this more and I could see up the back guys having issues catching the backend too. I don't think carrydown was a big factor because the lanes transition fairly slow compared to previous Nationals. I also saw no significant carrydown issues when bowling the BJ on the fresh either.

To me team played pretty close to how it did last time in Reno. Just with fewer and smaller moves required. If you're more speed dominate or more up the back you may need slightly more ball this time.

In minors I thought you could play them similar to Baton Rouge but the overall reaction was smoother/more blended, a little more push and not as much backend. I thought in BR the backends were flying and at times the shot got over/under there.

This year both shots were definitely multiple angles shots and can be attacked a few different ways. I do think it's more important this year than in previous years to play every event as a team and have a plan. I'd also recommend having a backup plan for minors in case the people not from your group you cross with do their own thing.

For reference I'm usually 17-17.5mph 275-300rpm. On sport shots I like to throw a little harder because I seem to be more accurate/comfortable doing that. So my guess is I was probably more 18-18.5 mph in Reno. I was able to throw a lane shined Marvel the entire time. I had a decent reaction with it. If I had a similar surfaced ball drilled to have a little more pop on the back I think I could've had a really good look. Other people were throwing more medium to medium-heavy balls, nothing with an insane amount of surface though. I/we shot 545-2704 team, 577-1172 doubles, 605 singles. So 1727 AE and I gave away 101 pins with a 140 start in team and a 159 last game in doubles that I attribute to two classified guys playing a different part of the lane and pushing oil out to our breakpoint. We had to move inside of them after that. So the other 7 games were OK(204 avg.) but no huge games, fairly consistent between 190-215. Overall I was happy since I was only 10 days removed from getting a cast off my sliding foot from having a broken ankle.