They did make it shorter in Corpus Christi in '06 as it was 37 feet. Outside the second arrow was in play the whole tournament. Good outside, tournament type players shot lights out as Wendy McPherson won the singles with 814. Of course the chuck it right crowd couldn't get anything to stay off the headpin.
I don't recall getting inside of 10 until the singles squad when we were the third shift on the extreme burn.
what bowlers complain? never heard of that before
The ones who want to be able to play 2nd arrow no matter what.
What's funny is they won't be the ones complaining the most. It will be the crowbar kings that need the bounce right to get their equipment to come back.
I personally would love to see them make the pattern shorter one year around 35/36 feet.
Little known fact: In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"
"Why don't you call me sometime.....when you have no class" ~~Rodney Dangerfield to Sally Kellerman, his college professor in Back to School ~~1986
Mike Craig - Storm Products Pro Shop staff -Columbus, OH