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Author Topic: Wheres the OIL?????????  (Read 2580 times)


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Wheres the OIL?????????
« on: May 23, 2005, 03:55:53 AM »
Ever since the tourney started I have been reading and hearing how much tighter the ABC's are this year and how much more oil there is on the lnaes.  I just got back from Baton Rouge and all I can say is that 95% of bowlers must throw the ball pretty straight.  I am a lefty and consider myself a tweener, definitely not a cranker.  I did find everyone who said to keep the breakpoint at 12 to be correct, however, the furthest left I could stand in order to use 12 as my breakpoint was 35.  Got as far right as 45 going through 25 at the arrows, but then it just burned up.  I found the lanes to be tighter during our s/d the next morning at 9:20, but still hooked.  Everyone kept saying they couldn't play outside because of the amount of oil, I also found that to be untrue as I still had to stand at least 20 and go through the arrows at about 13 out to 5 to keep the ball left of the headpin with a Track Heat, team event I had to use a Power Groove.  The righties that bowled on my team were in the same boat with the exception of having more room down the lane due to having more righties.



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Re: Wheres the OIL?????????
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2005, 03:37:39 PM »
There was definite HOOK in the middle of the lane.
You didn't really say how you bowled?



or so so?

Did you try going straight up outside around 5-6 board?
There was oil out there unless your righties were throwing belt sanders from DEEP inside.

The oil pattern let you play different parts of the lane depending upon your style and equipment choices.
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Re: Wheres the OIL?????????
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2005, 05:40:37 PM »
There is hook on all parts of the lanes, hook was not the problem. Where it hooked was the problem.
  Hit 12 at the breakpoint from just about any angle and you strike, hit 10 and you either leave a 10 pin or a swishing 7 pin, hit 8 and you have a washout or at the least a 2-4-5.

  The line appears to be 19-20 to 12-13 standing about 28-30 almost like the old tightline shot of the 70's.

  If you are just going expect a lot of hook at shooting corner pins, about 7 boards more than you are used too.

Edited on 5/23/2005 5:43 PM


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Re: Wheres the OIL?????????
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2005, 06:41:58 PM »
Thanks for all the replies. I am to go in about a month and it will be my first ABC. If I play up 12 will that give me a look or do I have to swing the ball out to 12 from inside and watch for the reaction?

I am still putting this in my memory and hope like hel-.



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Re: Wheres the OIL?????????
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2005, 07:32:28 PM »
The key is the right equipment, I was totally fooled by the reports and took a Ebonite V2 particle( it was dead left at 30 ft), a Dynthane Thing lives ( dead left at 35 ft) a Storm Eraser, light polish, it was too much ball, used a Lane#1 XXXL for most of the tournament, hitting 15 out to 10, if I threw it well it hit the pocket and carried, tug and you were in for a nasty leave, push and you were in for all kinds of leaves.

  I would suggest something with a mild cover and pratice your spares.


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Re: Wheres the OIL?????????
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2005, 11:36:01 PM »
I dont know if this has been mentioned but when the tournament is held outside of Reno, it will be bowled on lanes that are installed for the tournament.  I believe they are new lanes and I would think that there would be some sort of break-in going on as the tournament continues.  Would that account for the differing reports?  Also weather warming up?

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Re: Wheres the OIL?????????
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2005, 07:36:13 AM »
I just got back from Baton Rouge myself and of the 5 ABC tournaments I have bowled in, this was the most back end I have seen yet.

I ended up using an old burned out Addrenaline with little or no backend reaction on my normal house shot, but worked well on the fresh shot at the nationals, crossing 20 at the arrows and hitting 8 at the range finder down the lane with my normal release.

All I heard before I went to Baton Rouge was how much oil there was at all of the tournaments down there. The Bowling This Month tournament was on wood lanes had a 41ft flat shot, when the ball came off of the oil, it wouldn't quit hooking. I started off crossing 15 and going out to 10 with my new Vertigo, playing my normal release and couldn't get the ball off the head pin. I ended up playing hard and straight with my inferno putting as little hand in the ball as I could with as little side rotation as I could. The problem was I rarely throw that way and kept putting too much rotation on the release and the ball would exageratedly snap on the back end, killing off any string I would start.

The Bowlers Journal I was playing between 5th and 6th arrow going out to 10 and watching the ball still snap up on the nose.

Note to self: bring drylane equipment next year, don't listen to anyone.


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Re: Wheres the OIL?????????
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2005, 08:36:14 AM »
shipper, to respond to your 2nd question, yes, you can play up 12. You can play up 10, you can play up 15. Just bring the correct ball for your style that will get you to the breakpoint at the proper distance down the lane. That's where I had trouble (and I throw 18+ mph which is a no-no there, IMO). Just know that if you play straight up the boards, 2 boards right will leave the wash and 1 board LEFT will hit the nose.

I played up 10 with a Slash game 3 of team and up the gutter in singles with a Hexplosion. Accuracy and carry were the main issues.
Just bowl!

Edited on 5/24/2005 10:32 AM


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Re: Wheres the OIL?????????
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2005, 08:51:05 AM »

I am what you would call a stroker. I throw around 15.5- 16 mph and play mostly down and in. I can swing the ball if needed, but my main shot would be down and in. I am just trying to figure out what to take. I will owe all you guys a cold one for all the help on this tournament for me.

I have been bowling off and on for about 30 years and this will be my first ABC as I have mentioned before.



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Re: Wheres the OIL?????????
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2005, 09:21:06 AM »

   The big thing is to enjoy your self, it is a great show.


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Re: Wheres the OIL?????????
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2005, 10:43:39 AM »
A good friend of mine who went with me bowls like you and used a Vertigo for all 9 games between 10 -15 straight ip the boards. Occasionally, he moved left went 20-15 or 15-12. I'm not up on Storm equipment so I don't know what is similar to the Vertigo. It looked box condition to me (I've seen them new, just don't know the specs).
Just bowl!


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Re: Wheres the OIL?????????
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2005, 01:53:55 AM »
shhhhhhhh dont tell. the oil that everyone is looking for is here, with me,in my back pocket.

but for reals though, the shot is not hard it just calls for one to be a whole lot more precise when in the oil. unless you have a ton of revs you are not going to be able to swing the line. the pattern goes 38 feet so theres plenty of break room down lane. not hard, unless your one of those bowlers who thinks theyre actually hitting the mark when really theyre 4 boards off.
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Re: Wheres the OIL?????????
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2005, 10:31:42 AM »
I always agonize on what to take,but the lesson I have learned over the last 6 or 8 tournaments is that I never need my most aggressive stuff. We bowled last weekend.  8:30 team Saturday, 11:30 PM Sunday D&S. There is plenty of hook.  I took six balls and left the most aggressive ones in the hotel after watching the reaction some guys were getting.  Started team with a 5 x 5 Storm Recharge playing up 10.  Worked pretty good, good carry,but like everybody says DON'T be inconsistent on target or release. You will go through the beak or leave washouts.  Last two games I ended up using an AZO Illusion (mild, light particle, arc drill) to have any chance at control.

Doubles and singles started out with the Illusion, ended last two games with a V2 Dry playing 19 to 10. As has been said there is LOTS of back end. I ended up coming up the back of the ball just trying to keep the ball in play.  Carry wasn't too good (lots of shaking 7's and solid 10's (righty)but I left makeable leaves and ended with a clean 197.  

I had a TERRIBLE tournament.  No consistency with the strike ball but mostly missed easy spares (14 one or 2 pin spare shots were open).  Strangly, I picked up a lot of tough spares (washouts, 3-10's, 3-9's) but missed 4-7's, 2's etc.

It's redundant, but my observation is to use mild arcing equipment, keep the ball in play, take strikes when you can, pick up spares.


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Re: Wheres the OIL?????????
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2005, 10:02:06 PM »
Just got back yesterday.  Most of our 2 teams were able to use agressive equipment, mainly the Absolute Inferno and a couple Ultimate Infernos throughout the tournament.  This lead to some great scores up until the point where guys simply ran out of approach on the right lane due to the ball returns.  Fortunately, I stopped just short, so I never had that issue.  

There were lots of good scores all around us, but every one of these were playing a breakpoint around 10-12.  It just depended on where you needed to start to get it there.  I actually got my best looks at the end of each set we were on even though I was sliding in the left gutter.  I would find a little hold inside and dry outside from the breakdown.

Be aware that the shot does change rather quickly.  10-15 board moves per set are not uncommon.  Also talk with your teammates as pairs may be different between the two lanes.  I had one pair match, another 2 boards different, and another 4 or so (never did get this pair).  

My advice is to get as deep as you think you can comfortably play, then chase it deeper.  If you don't have that much hand, then that may only be 3rd arrow.  

I threw one of my best games ever the very last game of the tournament.  I didn't have a single shot that left my hand that I didn't think was going to strike.  Unfortunately, I left a 10-pin in the second frame to cost me perfection.  I had just moved trying to stay ahead of the breakdown and came in a little light pocket.  What really hurt was watching the head pin scream in front of the 10 and bounce back on the deck, but still not knock it down.


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Re: Wheres the OIL?????????
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2005, 02:58:14 PM »
For the past two years (2004 and 2003) I came to this site for a preview of what to expect at ABC.  Each time I ended up bringing the wrong equipment.  This year I avoided this forum and brought equipment to cover a wide range of conditions. IMO if you go to ABC with an open mind you will read the lanes better than if you have a preconceived notion of what the shot should be.
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