There is taper to the outside of the pattern, and it is DEAD flat in the middle. Just because someone throws a ball across 5th arrow and strikes doesn't mean it's where to play.
You can throw a ball across 5th arrow on cheetah and strike using the 2nd range finder....but that pattern doesn't play there. You can throw a ball up the gutter on shark and throw a strike....but that pattern doesn't play there. It's all about finding area to miss, which isn't on the flattest part of the pattern. The reason the US Open plays inside is because you want to keep it closer to the headpin and away from the outside. I can guarantee you that every team over 3100 right now played right of 10 in the first game. We all saw what happened to Steve Wilson and crew when they started around 3rd arrow.
Were you watching people in team event on the fresh or in minors? You can't compare the fresh to the breakdown, we'll all be bowling behind different people in minors, so there is no way to compare the two.
Little known fact: In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"