One of my worst Nationals.
I left 39 1 pin spares in 3 games.
I missed 2 - 10 pins, and 1 - 7 pin out of 29.
I had a dismal singles. My flight came in one hour before bowling.
I arrived at the Center about 30 minues before check in...I stopped to pick up my equipment, which was shipped, and could not be located, for 15 minutes.
I shot doubles first, missed 2 spares, a 7 pin, and a 10 pin. I shot singles next, by that time, I could not get my thumb into my ball. First time I bowled thumbless in 25 years. I shot 473 with 11 opens.
I had my thumbs redrilled in 4 balls, for team which I shot the next day.
I shot 573, with 2 opens. 1 - 10 pin and 1 - 6 pin.
I never had one clean release for 9 games. I had a decent spare showing, except for my thumbless bowling fiasco.
I don't think the conditions affect one's (single pin) spare game.
Duke Harding
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