I don't think they were "pissed" at the ABC officials, but rather at the situation. I know I would have been completely frustrated if i had put out both time and money to bowl a tournament and then end up either having to put out more money and time or not bowl due to an uncontrollable situation.
No one is questioning that the safety and health of the participants needed to be protected. I bowled during Spring break. I booked my flights to get to Baton Rouge the day before our scheduled bowling, March 20th, and return home the day after our scheduled bowling, March 23rd which cost me $300+. Had our squad been cancelled/rescheduled for a later time I would have to hope American could accomodate the change. Then you have to hope the hotel can accomodate the additional night. And that is not taking into account those that need to get home to get back to work, vacation is over and can't bowl the rescheduled time, then the $$$ spent to not be able to bowl.
It's not that life is too
short. It's that you are dead

for sooooo