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Author Topic: Looking for older and newer 15lb Visionary--Have tons of Hammer for possible trades!  (Read 773 times)

Gene J Kanak

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I'm picking these up as a novelty, so I'm really only looking for trades. If you have any of the balls on the list and want to swap for one of the many listed in my profile, make an offer; however, please be realistic. I'm not likely to trade my mint condition 15lb Bite for a 2X plugged Crimson Executioner. Again, make offers, and we'll see where it goes.

Here's what I'm looking for:

Ogre Pearl
Ogre SS
FM Gryphon
G3 Gryphon
Burgundy Particle Gryphon
Blue Sparkle Gryhon
Granite Gargoyle
Green Gargoyle
Slate Blue Gargoyle
Crimson Executioner
Charcoal Executioner
Purple Ice Executioner
Blue-Green Centaur
Bronze Centaur

I've only bowled 300, but I've benched 345



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I have a 15# Crimson Executioner single drill. Great ball. What do you want to trade? Don't know how to get to your profile.


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 Don't know how to get to your profile.

See the four icons under the username?  The first one with a sheet of paper and a head (a profile)?  That's the Profile button.  The second one is the Contact User by PM button in case you want to PM Gene.

Edited to add:
PM = Private Message

I am the Sgt Schultz of bowling.
"I know nothing! I see nothing! NOTHING!"

New to BR? - Please check this:  BR FAQ

Edited on 5/8/2008 6:05 PM
Six decades of league bowling and still learning.

ABC/USBC Lifetime Member since Aug 1995.


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The other guy never replied i think the price is good for low game ball, I have the amb solid too close to have the FMG too imo.

 Frankie May gryphon 15 lber under 10 games has a cracked bridge, I believe the pin is over ring finger but i am at work so would have to check later. 4 5/16 spans with grips and thumb slug 60.00 shipped if you want it thx.