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Author Topic: Bronze Centaur AMB  (Read 17241 times)


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Bronze Centaur AMB
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Finish: 1500 (Polished)
Hardness: 75-77
RG: Med (2.56")
Flare: High (.065" differential) 5-7"
Length (1-100): 66
Back end (1-100): 88
Hook (1-100): 63 (oil) - 86 (dry)
Avail. Wts: 13-16# (Centaur AMB core)
10-12# (on request - light wt. core)
Lane Conditions: Medium Conditions

Do NOT expect this ball to be a smooth, controlled arc motion like the Green/Blue Centaur.
The high differential, large flare potential and heavy flip cap make this a skid/snap type reaction.



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Re: Bronze Centaur AMB
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2008, 11:56:16 PM »
Right handed
4 step approach
Mark w/ right foot
very high track
2.74 top weight
3 in pin out
factory surface 1500 polished
pin above/inside middle finger

This ball was drilled to go long and snap hard on the backends.  It does just that. The break is so hard and abrupt that it should have a turn signal.  I stand 5 boards left of center and throw over board 12, swinging it out to board 7. This gives me a great angle into the pocket and gives me excellent pin action after entry.  This ball is very good on fresh heads on the house shot.  After oil carrydown it rolls a little long.  I have averaged 201 with this ball in 3 leagues.  I'm amazed at how much this ball turns. The recovery is great on errant throws as well. overall this is a very balanced ball that could be drilled for many conditions. If you are looking for a long rolling, pocket crushing ball,I highly recommend the centaur.

Brian Green

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Re: Bronze Centaur AMB
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2008, 10:35:50 PM »
ball specs.

    15 lb
    pin 3-4
    top 2-3

bowler specs:
   In profile

Drilling.....   label leverage with no x hole on pap.....

Condition used on.....  Both THS  and 40 foot flat sport shot with 40 units of oil gutter to gutter

          I decided not to post the results of throwing the ball on the THS and the Sport Shot seperately because both results were very similiar......

    The Bronze AMB Centaur is quickly becoming my favorite ball in my bag.....  On both patterns i have bowled on i have seen very similar results, the ball gets very easy length and when it sees the dry, Even though it makes a very strong move to the pocket, it doesnt have a pronounced snap, its like an arc on steroids.....  On THS i was playing 12 to 3 and killing the pocket all night long....   On the sport Shot i was forced to play in around 4th arrow with a breakpoint at the 11 board with a consistant and powerful arc to the pocket.........

  The one thing i really like about this ball in particular is how this ball doesnt know the meaning of quitting and hitting flat......  i dont think i have ever left a half or flat 7 (I'm lefty) with this ball since i drilled it... when this ball hits, it is like a bomb going off..... the pins go everywhere....

    If you are looking for a strong hitting pearl for medium amounts of oil  this is a must have...........  its a solid 9 out of 10

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Re: Bronze Centaur AMB
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2008, 01:59:30 AM »
The ball: 16 pounds, 3-inch pin
The drill: Pin above ring, CG in the palm, AMB area in the strong, right of the thumb and inside the VAL, works out to about a 3.5 x 4 x 4 drill for me. Weight hole beyond the VAL 90 degrees from AMB area to the MB marker. Finish is 2000 plus polish.
Me: PAP 4 over 3/8 up, tweener revs, good speed, good circumference coverage


Bought this ball used off eBay with the drill pattern already on the ball, which was not exactly how I'd have preferred to have tested this one. I wanted to drill it with a weaker pin, but the pattern on it was sufficient and I decided to try this first before making any big moves. All that was needed was the plug and redrill the thumb.

The surface prep when I got the ball was box, but it had some game traffic on it, 40-50 games. A light resurfacing and some Storm Reacta Shine polish brought it back to life.

This is not my first Visionary ball but it is my first of the AMB line. I have never had a bad experience from a Visionary-poured ball, the only company about which I can say that.

This ball didn't give me any problems, but it didn't jump out of the gate and impress me, either. It's possible it needs to break down its polish a little bit and work in some games.

Testing was conducted on two shots, a medium-light modified THS without a drastic wall, and a medium-volume flatter shot with dry boards outside 3. The Centaur liked the modified THS better than the flatter shot. It had trouble turning the corner on the flatter, heavier pattern and carry was a big bugaboo. It's likely the polish was too heavy on the ball.

On the house shot, however, the ball cleared problems in the fronts and mids very well. This house has very touchy, hot midlanes from time to time and this ball just ignored them. Energy transfer to the backends was good and the ball drove well without deflection.

Carry was disappointing on both conditions. This ball is allergic to high hits, leaving a lot more 4-pins and even 9-pins than usual. Quite a few heavy 7s as well. Stringing strikes was a chore as the ball would often finish dead flush on consecutive hits but leave single pins on every other hit.

The movement of this ball is a little different than most assyms I've thrown. It's a bit more predictable off the spot when the lanes are dry but the move in the back is a deliberate arc. There isn't a lot of snap in this ball, as I was told to expect.

I question this ball's general ability to handle a lot of oil. Perhaps with a surface change I might see it, but from testing it looks like this ball is for mediums and lighter. More testing is needed after surface changes. The summary:

Positives: Very controllable, one of the cleanest through the heads I've thrown,  continuous move in the backend.

Negatives: Carry on high hits is curious to say the least, when polished it's not for anything over medium-light, not angular even when it needs to be.

Overall: A good ball for medium and lighter volumes of oil, but doesn't seem to stand out from the crowd.



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Re: Bronze Centaur AMB
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2009, 02:36:13 AM »
Updating the review below (since the "edit" button doesn't seem to work in reviews)...

Recently took this thing back to league and worked with it until I could knock off some of the shine from the polishing. What I got after that was a completely different animal -- especially regarding pin carry.

With a smoother reaction downlane, the earlier carry problems self-corrected. Pin action seemed to increase and messengers were a-flyin'.

The thing that seems to stand out from this ball now is that, despite the high polish, it can still play in the middle of a house pattern, which a lot of pearls have an allergy to. I'm continuing to work things out with this ball but my opinion of it has jumped up considerably.

Read my older review to see where I've come from (and to show the value of not giving up on a ball too soon).


Mr Old School

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Re: Bronze Centaur AMB
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2011, 05:58:04 PM »

Length:ths about 40' in lenght, from 8 to 8 side to side


Volume: don't really know   

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS



Likes: this ball rocks. when the centaur, checks up early, this is the go to ball without any fear! Bought this ball, with a long pin 3-4 inches. and a semi heavy top 3.70! This ball, for a pearl is not the normal skid/flip type, instead it's just like the solid! Normaly i would purchace two of the same, one dull, and one polished, to get a reaction that I would look for. But this ball answered any questions, about getting two of the same coverstock! Being a tweener, sometimes playing too deep, is wrong for my release. And playing to straight, is too strong. This ball lets me play, where the solid starts up a little to early. Don't know if this review will help you, take it from me...If you roll the solid, you must have the pearl also! It already save myself from rolling bad games! And the color of this ball is awesome!

Dislikes: none so far!






Mr. Old School
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