picked up the Gladiator & Gladiator Pearl from a member here and i've had a pretty good week with it thus far. 670, 636(both sets last game 265 & 266)and now a 732 ending with a 296 the last game. flushed first 11 than was a bit slow on the 12th and went through the beak leaving the big 4. im loving both pieces as they both give me almost the same look, with the Solid being about 4 boards left of the Pearl. Great 1-2 Punch.
i never had a chance to practice with both balls, the 670 in league was the first time out with it. the 636, i had to make up all the chicken wing throws in the first(181) and second(189) games, and i settled down to shoot 266.
i had a good read on the balls after those two sets, and it was lights out after that. the crappy thing is, is that im scheduled to have surgery on my wrist in a month, and now that things are coming around i kinda dont want to have it. i was looking forward to winter, but now its a bummer with surgery around the corner.
well, im a believer now. i've always wanted to try Visionary, and i shouldnt have waited so long to do so.