I believe I drilled that AMB Particle pin under ring and the cg stacked underneath it with no weight hole. I remember he had a 4 3/4 inch span. The ball had a 2.5-3 inch pin but cant remember the top weight. With his ball speed, I wanted to make sure the ball hooked for him so with the axis tilt he had (which he had medium tilt), I put the pin down to give him help on the longer pattern. Out of the box (320 grit), the ball was actually too early even with his ball speed. I sanded up to 2000 abralon and the ball shined. The ball started to read the lane at about 30 feet and just had a strong continuous arc from there. It was way stronger than a GP2 and Arsenel Aggressive he possessed. The GP2 he got used from a friend and it was drilled pin above ring with the cg stacked, which I did not drill. The Arsenel Aggressive was drilled identical to the AMB and it was, for him, about 10 feet longer than the AMB before it rolled up. What was great for him, is that with the AMB, he could play right up 10-12 and the oil would hold the line, but could lose it out to 6-7 at the breakpoint and it would roll up into the pocket. A ball that created area for a guy with 20 mph ball speed off his hand with only about a 275-300 rev rate with a little bit of axis tilt. I do not remember his exact PAP, but I believe it was in the 4 1/4 - 4 3/8 area. He was elated to say the least. The most impressive part of this ball, was that even for as early as it wants to read the lane, it does not sacrifice hitting power unless the heads are fried.
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
If anyone out there is worried about the scores being too high, try duckpin!!