Just got my NIB Granite punched up yesterday. Thanks go out to my driller Jackie Mitskavich; formerly LPBA pro Jackie Sellers. Drilled pin next to ring, cg almost dead center grip, coverstock left in box finish. Threw 3 games on a fresh shot (which at our house is very heavy), and was able to keep the Granite in play all three games, playing pretty much right over 10, out to around 5 and the Granite never burned up or rolled out. Consider myself a true tweener and throw around 17-18 mph. This ball is a beast in terms of hit and carry! I couldn't be happier with the look this ball gave me. Tugged a couple shots and came up high a few shots, but worst leave was the baby split. Light shots ripped the 5 into the 7 on several shots and high flush sent the messengers flying! Only left 2 10 pins and made both with the Granite! This ball was exactly what I was looking for and once the Slate Blue is drilled up this week, will complete my all-Gargoyle lineup I'll be going with this year. Of course I won't be parting with my favorite Hammers any time soon! Those who were smart enough to pick one of these up from Visionary (thanks Betsy for the all the help) before they quickly disappeared are not going to be disappointed with this ball! Oh, and it has to be the coolest looking ball ever!!!!