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Author Topic: Arsenal from Visionary  (Read 2084 times)


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Arsenal from Visionary
« on: November 05, 2007, 10:57:25 PM »
What would be a good 2 or 3 ball arsenal from Visionary.  I have access to get any of the balls ever made by this company and want to know what balls you all would suggest most?  I was considering the Ogre, Ogre pearl, Frankie May, Green Blue Centaur any of the Gargoyles etc.



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Re: Arsenal from Visionary
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2007, 06:14:46 PM »
Come to think of it MI 2 AZ aka Gary is the Sgt. Schulz of the Visioanry


Yeah, I really dont know a lot other than my own game and each year I learn I know even less than I thought I did.  

I can only comment on balls that I have used, so I need to get more of the newer Visionary balls drilled up.  One of these days I might even get that Orange Warlock drilled.  


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Re: Arsenal from Visionary
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2007, 10:05:59 PM »
Quoting MI 2 AZ

I have all four of those balls, but have not used them at the same time to offer a really valid comparison.  I can only say that the Ogre Solid seems much stronger than the Violet both in hooking ability and earlier read in the oil.  The Ogre Pearl seems to have a more even move on the lane whereas the Green Gargoyle is a strong skid-snap reaction which probably needs more dry.  The Green Gargoyle really proved itself on a second shift tourney condition but I havent had the opportunity to try the Ogre Pearl on that condition yet.

Hopefully someone else here has had the opportunity to compare them for you and will post their experiences.

Thanks for the reply.  The problem I had with the Green is that it was too much too soon.  It read the midlane early, then it also made a hard left down lane once it truely hit the brake point and the last turn was hard for me to control because I couldnt keep it right (unless I was waaay left).

Most of my equipment is drilled with the 10:30 drill (pin under ring, CG kicked right at 45* since im RH'd) for early read and arcing/tame back end. My driller insisted on a Stacked drilling with the pin slightly above the ring (on the GG)and every ball I have had like this I don't like (which includes my FMG and my SBG).  So I will stay away from that in the future.  

My 2nd ball in the 1-2 punch I currently use is a FlipSide Panic from Columbia 300.  Its a great ball but it has a problem with the thumb slug coming loose and after a while it tries to slide out.  I have had it replaced twice and the problem re-occurs and just wont stay fixed (the slug goes in tight when my driller sets it, but wont stay and comes loose in a few weeks).  It is also a former tour ball i bought used and had the thumb moved to fit my span (luckily it had the same layout as the VG, and thats the main reason i got it).

Since it has seen better days, I am considering getting the OP as a replacement because even though the RG may be a bit higher than the Panic, the Diff. is very similar (panic .025 / OP .029) and I am a fan of lower flaring balls.  The higher RG will also probably help it get down the lane a bit too compared to the Green G, as I think it would still read early in the dry.  The main difference I see is the cover being 600 Matte for the Panic and the OP being 1500 Polished..  Again though, the ball was a tour ball used, and I can tell you it had been polished and the surface grit changed.  There is no way it was 600 as I have adjusted the cover and polished several pieces of equipment and it felt closer to 1000 (probably gray or white scotch brite pad).

I think I will try it and see, and if its too long and sharp for me I can dull it down and repolish.  I wish I had a video made of the VG though to show how hard it turns (for me) even with an earlier read arc drill (probably has to do with ball speed).  I will keep you updated though.

Edit:  I see what you are saying about the SS being more like the GG, but a true skid snap reaction isn't really what I am looking for or happy with in my game.  It seems to me with every ball I have thrown like that, even though they hit hard and clear the heads well, they don't handle carry down worth a snot, and I bowled alot of sport tournaments and I just couldnt use it very often unless we were on a short pattern in a wood house, so.  I don't think it will give me what I am looking for.



Edited on 11/8/2007 12:22 PM