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Author Topic: Arsenal question for you Visionary experts  (Read 1941 times)

Gene J Kanak

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Arsenal question for you Visionary experts
« on: April 09, 2010, 12:04:36 AM »
Ladies and gentlemen,

I am happy to report that my quest to create a Visionary arsenal for next year's THS season is going well. I have a Centaur AMB Solid, Ogre Pearl (purple) and G3 Gryphon on the way. Based on the little bit I've seen/heard/read, here's how I see them shaping up:

Medium-heavy to heavy (not soup) - AMB Solid
Standard mediums w/clean backends - Ogre pearl
Skid/snap on fresh or drying heads with light carrydown: G3

Now, I also have been approached about possibly picking up a Granite Gargoyle, Violet Gargoyle, Green Gargoyle and Charcoal Ex. My question is which of these, if any, do I really need? Off the top of my head, I'm thinking the Greenie might be good for when they really start to dry out as I know it's good for length. The Violet intrigues me as a benchmark ball as I like having a mild solid option. I don't really think I need the Granite, but I've owned three of them, and they're just great balls, so the possibility of picking that up interests me as well. Lastly, I've never thrown a Charcoal Ex., and although I'd love to try one, I'm just not sure I'd truly need it with the AMB already in the bag.

So, wise ones, this is why I come to you. I would like to know whether or not you agree with my assessment of the three I already have coming as well as which of the other four might be wise for me to bag. Thanks in advance for your input!
Bowling bad since 1979 with no end in sight

Bowling bad since 1979 with no end in sight



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Re: Arsenal question for you Visionary experts
« Reply #16 on: April 09, 2010, 04:24:27 PM »
Ogre Pearl and G-3 for me don't react at all alike. For me as a one hander the OP arcs more than the G-3.  

I have to agree with what Scott posted about those two, even though I have not thrown either in quite awhile, that is what I remember about them.  I had the impression that the G-3 was the strongest Visionary pearl that I had used on my fresh THS.  The green Gargoyle was a great ball for drier or third shift conditions.


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