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Author Topic: Blue Gargoyle vs. Ogre Urethane  (Read 2311 times)


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Blue Gargoyle vs. Ogre Urethane
« on: January 03, 2012, 11:13:07 AM »
Hello all!
I've been a satisfied Visionary customer since 2004, owning a G-3, Purple and Charcoal Executioners, AMB Centaur Solid, and the Violet, Green, and Blue Gargoyles.
In 2006, I got the Blue Gargoyle for one reason.  At my home house, the THS usually means the back 25 feet and outside the 8 board are virtual deserts.  Blue lets me go from 15 out to 5 with a beautiful arc into the 1-3...with some level of forgiveness.
I got out of bowling in 2008, and came back in 2010...having moved to another state and overhauled my shot to fix an aching shoulder after league.  The new home THS was 10 out to 5 and back in, and I found it was right in Violet and Green's wheelhouse.  After averaging between 198-210 with them, I moved back home and returned to the good old desert.  Sure enough...the shot hasn't changed much.  Violet still likes it between the 2nd and 3rd arrows, Green now overreacts over the 2nd arrow, but underreacts with even a 2-board parallel move left.  Blue still likes 15 to 5 and has the same beautiful arc...even though I'm throwing faster and higher revs (not sure exactly how many).
Since I'm only in one league this year (and hope to do 2 next year), Blue is the cornerstone of my league arsenal (Violet, Green, Blue, and a Target Zone).  I've noticed, though, that some weeks I can't get Blue to finish as well and Green is WAY too much.  I've also tried Violet inside, but after 10-15 frames it becomes evident that 10 people are using the same line.  Blue is the only one that holds where I like to go, and she's the only ball that dares to go out there.  Many nights, I can stay put and watch everyone else try to adjust to the burnout.  The biggest move I've made with that ball this season has been 1 board left with the same target.
I'm wondering if the newer Ogre Urethane could be used as an in-between for Blue and Green.  I've found video reviews for both OU and Blue, but they're not from the same people so I can't tell the difference between them.  Or, would something else fit into that role?



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Re: Blue Gargoyle vs. Ogre Urethane
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2012, 09:47:25 PM »
I would not suggest an Ogre urethane for the simple reason that it has a lower differential than the gargoyles with a similar coverstock as the blue. If one is still available , I would go with a gladiator LE. I have one and it is very very mild(For a Reactive cover).




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Re: Blue Gargoyle vs. Ogre Urethane
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2012, 02:49:07 AM »
Second that. I have (still) a SBG (at OOB!), and from what I know and have seen from the UO is that the balls are pretty similar - I'd even say that the UO is a tad weaker than the SBG, due to its lower RG diff. core. I'll admit that my SBG is drilled very strong, so it might not be the best benchmark, but coverstock-wise the UO appears to be as hard and lengthy as the SBGs pearl cover. That's ultra-subjective, but how I'd assess these pieces.


Maybe, if you drill the UO really strong and add some surface, then it might fill the role you have in mind. But you might also look out for a vintage Faball urethane Hammer (a blue or black one), these are IMHO rollier and handle more/longer oil than the SBG at OOB finish. Cheap alternative.

DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
2010/11 Benrather BC Club Champion
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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Blue Gargoyle vs. Ogre Urethane
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2012, 09:02:32 AM »
IMO the Ogre Urethane is way weaker the the Slate Blue Gargoyle.  They aren't even close.  Plus it will be effected by carry down.   I can use mine on burnt conditions that are not carried down but if it was me attacking this lane condition I'd move in rather than staying out.  Most THS lane conditions put nothing to the outside to start with so what advantage do you have by staying there other than the carry entry angle is some houses is better down and in?

