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Author Topic: Burgandy / Frankie May ??  (Read 787 times)


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Burgandy / Frankie May ??
« on: October 29, 2005, 10:48:14 AM »
Hey all.  I currently am using my G3 Gryphon with alot of success.  I had also picked up the AMB pearl, but just never quite got used to it so out came the G3 again.  Anyways, I had also picked the Burgandy (one of my test staff balls).  To be honest, in the house I am at, I never get/have to use the Burgandy.  I was thinking of getting the Frankie May to make a Gryphon lineup (great core) but was thinking that maybe with a little polish on the Burgandy, there wouldn't be much difference between the Burgandy and Frankie.  Anybody think they would be similar and not a big gap filler?