The FMG is drilled 4X3, at the time it is scuffed with a burgandy pad to get it close to box. I had it at 1000 abralon for a little while too. At 1000 ab. it gave me control in the mids with a little more back end. It seemed to struggle on the fore mentioned condition like this. I tried then, to scuff it with a burgandy
pad by hand. But still it didn't seem to recover. I did take it down with the pad on a spinner a few weeks ago, to see if that would improve my look. I've yet to try it but still thought I should get something a little stronger. I don't know maybe I should wait and see what happens, I just wanted to be ready this year
and not feel like a fool on the lanes.
Becoming a father isn't difficult, But it's very difficult to be a father.
10/21/05 Kaitlyn Emily and 02/01/07 Meghan Alexis, Daddy's little girls!
R.I.P Kevin Trombley 11/26/05 You were taken too soon!
Visionary Test Staff Member 07/08
Frankie May Gryphon
Immortal Pearl
Ogre Pearl
B/G Centaur