Well I am sitting here trying to decide which ball (core)
I am going to go with to remake my arsenal, seeing as the
excecutioner has become defunct. Here are my questions to the other members:
1. What has been the highest and lowest that you have finished your
Frankie May, and how did it react at the extremes.
2. What has been the highest and lowest that you have finished your
solid AMB, and how did it react at the extremes.
I will end up getting the pearl of which ever I go with, and then getting about 2-3 solids, and putting different layouts on them. Much like the executioners
2 solids a pearl and a particle.
I will probably get an AMB Solid and try a 315 on it just for S&G's
Eric T. Spivey, P.E.
Visionary Test Staff Member