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Author Topic: finally (along with review of slate blue)  (Read 852 times)


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finally (along with review of slate blue)
« on: March 25, 2005, 05:36:19 PM »

Age:        18 years old
Style:      usually would consider myself a tweener, but I can play cranker and power stroker shots when I need too.
ball speed: 16.5-17mph
Track:      High, 1/8 inch away from thumb, 1/3 inch away from M finger.
Ball:       Visionary Slate Blue Gargoyle
Lanes:      AMF synthetic
Drilled:    pin over ring bout a half inch, cg almost dead center in relation to finger holes and thumb hole.  no grips, no slug.  2.5 in. pin.  don't know the top weight.  (used ball)

Well just thought I would tell everyone that I rolled my first 300 with a visionary ball this weekend.  Lanes were what I'd call a medium oiled "tougher house shot" (if there is such a thing), where there is definately less oil on the outside than the inside but not at a ridiculous level.  starting to get a little sloppy.  Pulled out my Slate Blue Gargoyle because my Columbia Wired was just snapping way too hard, moved outside and played straight up 10 with it (the slate blue).  Ball skated through the heads very nicely started grabing a little bit in the midlane and finally made a smooth but powerful arc to the headpin on the backend.  Carry is excellent with this ball (especially for being urethane).  I've used this ball on several different occasions now and have found it to be much stronger than I had anticipated.  I was hoping to be able to use it on extreme toast, but that just isn't going to happen.  but as long as there is a little bit of oil in the heads then this ball really is a gem.  only other complaint I have with it is that it seems to leave a lot of 10 pins.  especially if you wrap around the ball, but I guess that any ball will leave 10 pins when you wrap.  overall I'd rate this ball 8.5 out of 10.  very good addition to my arsonel and I'm sure it will continue to bring me some high scores.

If anybody could give me some pointers on how I could make this a better review then just lemme know.  I don't want to be one of these people who put down reviews that are just absolutely horrible.  Thanks.

P.S.  This is the first ball I have ever bought from visionary, used ball, and I am quite impressed.  I'm sure I'll be buying some more visionary stuff in the near future.  maybe even a Green Gargoyle .
Conversation between me and my girlfriend.

Her(what I hear):Blah blah blah blah blah BOWLING blah blah.
Me: What did you say about bowling?
Her: I didn't say bowling I said, DRIVING, I'm tired of driving.
Me: Ohhh. Nevermind.

Edited on 3/28/2005 11:13 PM



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Re: finally (along with review of slate blue)
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2005, 10:19:33 PM »
just added the way the ball was drilled if anybody is interested.
Conversation between me and my girlfriend.

Her(what I hear):Blah blah blah blah blah BOWLING blah blah.
Me: What did you say about bowling?
Her: I didn't say bowling I said, DRIVING, I'm tired of driving.
Me: Ohhh. Nevermind.