I haven't heard much about this ball since the initial upraoar. I doubt whether we'll see aformal review in BTM of BJI, so ......
1. How did you drill yours?
2. WHat's your style: revs, ball speed, tilt, roatation?
3. On what type of oil patterns have you found it useful?
4. Between what other Visionary (or other brand) balls do you
place it?
I'm thinking it might handle oil like a Crimsom Executioner, but with a milder (read: less angular) backend, maybe more like the backend of the Ogre Pearl. But this is just a guess on my part.
please don't tell everyone it has an incredible backend if you put a 30/4/30 drilling on it and you have 450 rpms and 15 mph ball speed.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."