quote:Have slowly gotten back into the mix and had a nice set last Monday throwing the Ogre Pearl and Immortal Pearl. I forgot how much I really liked the Ogre Pearl. Have used it as the mainstay last 2 weeks for the most part.
quote: Ogre Pearl for most is one of the best medium pearl arcing balls Gary! This layout http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q29/scotts33/VisOgrePearl.jpg works great from an outside angle for me but not as well deeper than third arrow.
quote:My father in law rolled his first 700 in 6 years last night. Blue/Green Centaur. 202-255-258-715.
quote:Great shooting lenstanles703 and mybowlingblog.
quote:300 first game last night with an Ogre particle got froms scotts33 kinda burnt up the track area then struggled to only shoot 709 oh well felt good to throw at least one decent game this year so far