Shot TCBA All-Star tourney this past weekend. Played Gladiator Pearl first set of 4 games and averaged 217 for the set. Played the next set of 4 and average 226. Really didn’t move at all for the 8 games in the two sets. All I did was change hand positions to come the side of the ball for the first set to getting behind the ball for the second set.
And then there’s last night. Had the front 11 and then got fast on the last one leaving the 2-4-5 for a 297 game. I told Jason that my next honor score will be with the Gladiator Pearl. It’s no ring, but it’s still an 11 in a row score.
Thanks to Jason as well for being out there this weekend with the TCBA!! It was great to spend the day out there with him. He had balls drilled up so people could try the new lineup and people were taking advantage of the opportunity!!
Looking forward to the TCBA Nats in May now.
-------------------- down the toilet one nugget at a time!!
g thing is back....with a vengeance!!