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Author Topic: Green Centaur  (Read 1179 times)


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Green Centaur
« on: December 15, 2008, 07:11:11 PM »
Well i've been talked into buying this over the Ogre SS and i am thrilled to see how it works please feel free to brag about how yours has worked for you don't for get to mention how it was laid out for my reference thanks!
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Re: Green Centaur
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2008, 08:03:42 AM »
I've been using one for years. Have a 15 lb saved from 3 years ago (for when I have to go back down in weight) and bought TWO more in 16 lbs. One is drilled pin next to ring finger and one is drilled pin over center of bridge. MB is always around the thumb, usually under or on the track side.

I can use mine to get out of any number of oil pattern transition problems and on almost any light to medium-light pattern. It has possibly the most versatile cover I have ever used. I have had it anywhere from 1000, 2000, 4000 Abralon matte finish. And 600 grit US, 2000 Abralon and 4000 Abralon polished. Current balls are 600 grit US (green nylon pad) + Storm's Xtra Shine and 2000 grit Abralon + Valentino's Snake Oil.

With the matte finish surfaces, it can smooth out many wet/dry, over/under conditions. 4 or 5 years ago when Nationals patterns were drier in singles and doubles, I used a 2000 Abralon matte ball to play between 4th and 5th arrow.
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Re: Green Centaur
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2008, 01:14:31 PM »

I had one when I first started using VBP equipment.  The G/B helped me to my best finish in the High Roller (Top 16) a few years back.

I've since moved to 16 pounds and recently recieved a new one and already I'm ready to write a love story of how it was gone but now it is found.

I recently won a tournament only a few weeks after drilling it and when I threw it the first time in league shot 745.

I have mine at 1000 abralon with Ebonite Factory Polish on it.  I've since light touched it with a 1000 pad as the shine was a little too much since the flare is low and tight with this ball.

The link to my arsenal will take you to a couple of pics of the layout in case you're interested.

Best of luck.
Stephen Hahn

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  • Stephen Hahn
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    Re: Green Centaur
    « Reply #3 on: December 16, 2008, 05:23:01 PM »
    Picture of mine is in my profile.  I like mine best for playing down and in on shorter shots.  1500 grit up the ditch on last year's Cheetah worked very well for me.  Works good on league shots that start to break down up front but still have lively back ends.  It would always be in the bag for any short sport type pattern or anything with a lot of games where things get ugly.  High rev guys could probably like it more than me on a standard league shot where stronger flip on the back usually yields higher scores.
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