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Author Topic: Green Gargoyle vs. Danger Zone (original)  (Read 2368 times)


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Green Gargoyle vs. Danger Zone (original)
« on: July 03, 2003, 11:03:12 PM »
Hello all.  This is my first post and was wanting to bounce this idea around.  I have been thinking about joining Visionary's Test staff(program) and if I would do it now, I believe I would get both Gryphons.  Currently I have brought out my old Danger Zone and have been using it fairly successfully.  Now to the question.  I found a brand new Green Gargoyle for $80 (drilling not included).  I was wondering how the GG would compare to the old Danger Zone (I have quite a few games on it).  The reason I am thinking about the GG and then maybe the test staff with the 2 Gryphons would be to start a new arsenal that would cover most conditions for me.  My fall league is in a house that usually dries out fairly fast, does have oil in the middle but has usually strong outsides throughout the night.  My summer league is on synthetics that have a fair amount of oil and a majority of time will have backends that are pretty good.  I'm using the Danger Zone right now for the summer and am around 200 avg.



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Re: Green Gargoyle vs. Danger Zone (original)
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2003, 03:18:13 PM »
I found a brand new Green Gargoyle for $80 (drilling not included).  I was wondering how the GG would compare to the old Danger Zone (I have quite a few games on it).  The reason I am thinking about the GG and then maybe the test staff with the 2 Gryphons would be to start a new arsenal that would cover most conditions for me.  My fall league is in a house that usually dries out fairly fast, does have oil in the middle but has usually strong outsides throughout the night.  My summer league is on synthetics that have a fair amount of oil and a majority of time will have backends that are pretty good.  I'm using the Danger Zone right now for the summer and am around 200 avg.

The Green Gargoyle and the DZ are about as far away from each other as two balls could be. I believe they would probably not even complement one other even with unusual drillings and surface treatments.

The GG is for medium-light to dry lanes; is normally a skid/flip type of ball and unless you modify the surface and/or use an unusual drilling, it should be used only on blended conditions and not wet/drys. It is a pearlized resin.

The DZ is for medium to medium-heavy oil, in most people's hands; it has a hook and set type of ball reaction and can be tricky if not drilled right for the intended condition. It is a solid resin.
I guess the only similarity is both usually have a large backend.

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Re: Green Gargoyle vs. Danger Zone (original)
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2003, 03:28:26 PM »
Thanks for the reply.  I guess I need to expand a little bit.  My fall league lanes actually usually are pretty dry and then become pretty much toast.  They will on occasion have an "oily" shot, but realistically it more than likely is not a true "flood"----I'm just used to the drier conditions.  I don't really know my "specs" but feel I vary speed between 16-18, have above avg revs I guess and usually swing the ball due to my fall league conditions.  That is why I was thinking of the GG (for the price).  Remember, I am thinking of starting a new arsenal, maybe Visionary.   By the way, when it seems as though my DZ had rolled out in the fall league, and moving didn't help and frustration had set in I have actually done fairly well at time pulling out my spare White Dot and swinging that---thus my lane conditions in the fall would qualify as dry I suppose.  I was thinking the GG may be a good ball to swing through the middle in the heads and then run on the rest of the dry lane.


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Re: Green Gargoyle vs. Danger Zone (original)
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2003, 04:34:34 PM »
The GG will really move on the dry. it gets good length. I picked up a Blade Pearl. I polished to 2000 and had a 135 deg layout. The pin is centered above the finger ans the cg is kicked out to the left near ball track. I had a low top weight ball. This reaction is awesome on dry. It arcs late and has good length. if it's too dry the ball hook sets. it is very useful when you can't keep a normal resin from going brooklyn. I'm Visionary test member and if I had it to do all over, I would dill a green either 135 deg or 25 deg. I had mine drilled pin over ring an and cg below that. it was too much most times.

The ball is great. and worth getting. the gryphon are great also. I have a 25 deg layout on my Blue Gryphon with pin under the ring. This layout is great on med. oil short and light long. also typical wall house patterns. the green has more length and a bigger backend on a House shot.

You may even want to wait for the new hard urethane that they are supposed to release soon.
Hammer or else!

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Re: Green Gargoyle vs. Danger Zone (original)
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2003, 04:57:05 PM »
Again thanks for the suggestion.  I'm thinking the GG will be good for me in the house I bowl in the fall.  I had a Rock Pearl for a couple of years and had been fightin that ball for awhile--if played outside it would roll out and hit dead.  If swung from the inside through the head oil to the outside, sometimes would not finish enough.  Needless to say I finally had a knoweledgable driller look at the ball and informed me it had bottom weight and was pin-in and not what I needed---was a condition only ball (and I got shafted--it was a demo/test ball I got stuck with).  Plus, the ROck Pearl had definately been TEC deathed.  Anyways, pulled out the old Danger Zone and adapted and immediately started doing better, still not where I wanted to be though.  I have found a decent price on a new GG was thinking that would be my good drier condition ball, then could go with the Gryphons on the 2-ball test staff eventually (if I get the $$ together).  Before the  Burgandy Gryphon came out I had talked with Visonary's owner and we had figured on an arsenal of GG, Blue Gryphon and Charcoal Exe.  ---- now thinking maybe GG and both Gryphons ???????