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Author Topic: How does the Warlock DC Tour (pink) and Orge solid fit with the Gladiator solid/pearl?  (Read 1590 times)


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I just drilled the Gladiator pearl and the way this ball gets through the heads is tremendous.  Just skates on oil.  Reads the break point great.  
So I ordered the Gladiator solid.

Which if any would the Gladiator solid replace in this arsenal?

I am currently throwing the
Mighty Shift
Street Rod solid
Gladiator pearl
Blue Vibe
Blue Dot

Thank you,

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 10/26/2008 3:42 PM

Edited on 11/2/2008 9:42 AM

Edited on 11/2/2008 9:49 AM

Edited on 11/2/2008 9:50 AM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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it will probably replace the Dimension in my opinion
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Nor Cal Bowler

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Well without having listed what surface and layouts you have on your other equipment its honestly hard to say...
Visionary Test Staffer 08/09


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I also thought it would replace the Dimension.

Mighty Shift green scotch brite pin under ring cg kicked right about 1 inch
Dimension drilled the same at 2000 Ablaron
Street Rod solid drilled the same OOB
Gladiator pearl drilled the same OOB
Blue Vibe pin 2 inches above the bridge cg directly below light factory polish

Any questions please let me know.


Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Funny, I would have thought it would replace the Street Rod solid. I thought the Glad solid would be weaker than the Dimension. (not weak, just weaker. The Dimension is pretty strong.)  Hmmm, maybe it's between the SR and the Dimension?

If you get one, Barry, I'd love to hear from you how they compare. Thanks.
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The gladiator is a few boards less overall than a dimension (3-4 for me on a THS, more on a flatter shot) and much smoother...may actually fit between your SR Solid and your dimension

Britton (formerly bar5003)

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I'd guess the Street Rod Solid also Jeff.

Is the Dimension about the same in strength as a solid Cell if so my Cell is above the Solid Gladiator in strength because of it's flare potential and more asymmetry.  Solid Glad. is smoother off the spot for me than the Cell. But, it does depend on layout, lane condition and bowlers technique/surface.  Cell and Solid Glad both at 2000 ab Cell is definitely stronger.  If Dimension is close to the same as a Cell the Dimension is stronger.

BTM total hook Street Road 47 and Solid Glad 48.

Edited on 10/27/2008 4:58 AM


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Yes, Scott, as far as I know, the Dimension is the same relative strength as the Cell Solid. It gets a little more natural length than the Cell but covers/hnadles the same amount of oil. Both should be around 1/2 - 3/4 notch stronger than a Glad solid in oil handling.
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"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Nor Cal Bowler

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I also thought it would replace the Dimension.

Mighty Shift green scotch brite pin under ring cg kicked right about 1 inch
Dimension drilled the same at 2000 Ablaron
Street Rod solid drilled the same OOB
Gladiator pearl drilled the same OOB
Blue Vibe pin 2 inches above the bridge cg directly below light factory polish

Any questions please let me know.


Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Just like others have said. I would place it in there, unless you are wanting to actually remove/get rid of something...
Visionary Test Staffer 08/09


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After testing the Gladiator solid with the Dimension I can tell the the Dimension is considerably stronger then the Gladiator.  I will spend some time next week comparing the Gladiator to the Street Rod solid.

I also have the Orge solid, Burgundy Gryphon and the Magenata(pink) (SP?)Warlock DC Tour.  If they will, how will the Orge solid and the DC Tour fit with the Gladiator pearl, Gladiator solid and with respects to the Dimension, Street Rod solid and the Mighty Shift.


Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 11/2/2008 9:51 AM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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The Ogre solid is a pretty strong little beastie with its stock 600 grit (US) surface. It is also extremely adjustable to be almost anything you want it to be. Stock, it probably fits at or just above the Gladiator solid in oil handling ability, but it flares less, so it won't have asmuch backend in stock form, as the Glad solid.

The Pink (Magenta) DC Warlock was stronger than the Purple. They have a strong mass bias so be careful how you drill them. Follow the directions. Both aslo flare a lot. It's more of a backend type of ball. Although it's sanded to 800 stock, the RG is high at 2.6. Like Lanemasters balls, hat high RG is needed to help clear the heads. It's probably a medium oil ball these days with what should be a HUGE backend.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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I have the gladiator solid and have compared it against people who have the cell and dimension.

and IMO the gladiator solid handles the exact same amount of oil HOWEVER you will need to square up more as it has overall less "HOOK". both BTM and BJI agree by giving it less of a rating in strength but the same rating in oil as the cell.

BJI gladiator solid 49 Hook 13 Length 14 Breakpoint Shape
BJI cell                    56 Hook 12.5 Length 15 Breakpoint Shape
BJI dimension        54 Hook 13 Length 15 Breakpoint Shape

glad solid OIL 8 9 9
CELL OIL 8 9 9
dimension OIL 9 9.5 9

if im not allowed to put the magazines ratings then just remove them.

but as you can see they are VERY similar but the gladiator is the one thats different. for me I get a foot or two longer then most cells that I see with a strong backend but thats because of how I have it drilled.

straight from jason: "The Gladiator Solid was designed to create a strong, yet controllable, reaction on medium to medium-heavy oil patterns. It is not meant to be the biggest-hooking ball on the market, but it will give you an early roll with a very continuous backend. The best feature of the Solid is how forgiving it is to missed releases or errant shots."
Visionary Test Staff 08/09

all visionary this year

ogre ss
glad. pearl

Edited on 11/2/2008 12:15 PM


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The BTM editor, Jim King, has come here and posted that it is OK to post the numbers as long as they, BTM, is given credit. I'd also post the issue to be safe and to give people the place to look it up. Free Publicity is always good.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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The BTM editor, Jim King, has come here and posted that it is OK to post the numbers as long as they, BTM, is given credit. I'd also post the issue to be safe and to give people the place to look it up. Free Publicity is always good.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

thanks charlest. I didnt know that. but I wanted to be sure I could post it thats why I stated that it could be removed by the mods... letting them know I was unsure.

I would never post the whole review... but the numbers should be enough to get the idea of a balls strength... plus theres always videoballreviews
Visionary Test Staff 08/09

all visionary this year

ogre ss
glad. pearl


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After working with the Gladiator solid and the Dimension again (because I forgot my Street Rod) the Gladiator does not handle the same amount of oil as the Dimension does.  When I slowed the Gladiator down a little, the ball cmae to life.  The back end, continuation and carry was tremendous.  I don't want a ball to replace my Dimension, so thats a good thing.

I'm kinda thinking I might be able to make an arsenal out of the

Burgundy Gryphon                   Mighty Shift
Warlock DC Tour (pink)             Dimension
Gladiator solid                    Street Rod
Gladiator pearl                    Agent
 ????                              Neptune
Amulet                             Blue dot

I know I can mix and match, but I'd like to make a practice/pot bowling arsenal and a league/tournament arsenal.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)