drill it 3 3/8 or 4 inches, pin down, cg swung out anywhere from 15-35 degrees. if the pin is long enough, you might want to put the cg down and use what luckylefty describes from ebonites sheet as a revs-leverage weight hole. I have a command zone arc drilled like this, and for not too low of an rg ball, it revs up faster than any other ball i have.
Try to put the mb past your val, as this will really start the ball up early. drilling with pin under your middle finger might make the ball go a little long and snappy before it makes its move (i have a rhino pro x drilled like this, and it is the snappiest ball you will ever meet on medium-lighter lanes).
Talk to your driller about it, but yes, probably pin under ring and a little to the right will put the pin at 3 or 4 inches, and then swing the cg to the right to about a 35 degree drilling. to seperate this ball from your xxx, you want it to roll early. the early roll mixed with dull surface mixed with strong early rolling core= good seperation between this ball and xxx and a good control heavy oil ball compared to the snappier xxx.