Should you be looking for something similer to urethane (hard hitting faball urethane era) in a reactive I would say the Green Centaur would be my pick. It is a very versitile ball that probably if necessary could be ajusted to use in just about any condition. With its original coverstock it handles dry to medium well. And if you can play straight up the boards this thing just might work in heavier oils. I always look for control type balls no matter what the condition because I have success with consistent hard hitting equipment. I have a love for Faball as well, I currently own a Black Hammer, Red Pearl Hammer, Pink Hammer, JPF Axe, Red Sorcerer, Glowing Amulet, Slate Blue Gargoyle, Green Centaur. From what I can tell the Centaur is a notch above the urethanes and hits better and best of all it still has control that is very similer to urethane and this thing no doubt loves dry boards like many have said it just doesn't role out. Though not for all conditions this ball does cover several and in my opinion when drilled right roles similer to an old sanded urethane for it has that powerfull arcing type motion. Most reactives hook too much, roll out, or have too much over under this Centuar surprisingly is the best reactive I have thrown since I owned a danger zone. In my opinion Centaur would be my number 1 choice for anyone to get to know what Visionary has to offer. Just a thought though as many of the other balls visionary makes are very good I especially love there urethanes. Good luck in making a choice there are just too many balls out there great to see your interested in supporting a smaller USA company, hope you find much success with what remains of the great Faball Team.