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Author Topic: Immortal Line  (Read 2013 times)


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Immortal Line
« on: January 23, 2008, 04:38:37 AM »
Ok, I am needing to add a ball like the Immortals into my arsenal.  I am looking to use this when I have a bit more oil.  I am debating between the pearl and the solid, and really not sure which way to go.  I guess my question would be, does the pearl get squirty on a heavier oil pattern?  My current oil balls really are setup to just roll, looking for a little more change in direction, or stronger backend.  What do you guys suggest?  The choices I am considering

Immortal Solid
Immortal Pearl
Gravity Shift
Attitude Shift

I only use Storm or VBP.

Thanks for you suggestions....



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Re: Immortal Line
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2008, 01:19:19 PM »
My Pearl doesnt, It will still hook in the oil maybe not a flood but it did move more then my solid.
I like the Pearl alot more then the solid. just my 2 pennies worth.
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Re: Immortal Line
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2008, 03:14:03 PM »
I just got a solid, approx 4.5 pin under ring X 6 amb, threw it for the 1st timelast night. Good arc, starts in the mids then a bit harder off the dry. I have a centaur amb solid, that ball revs up and makes a hard left when it hits the dry. Its approx 5.5" pin over bridge X 4.5 amb , my pap is 5 1/8 over 7/8" up. The immortal needs more oil it starts hooking sooner, both are out OOB at 1000. I was expecting it to be more like the centaur, but it ending up looking like an ogre solid. I have to play with it some more, but so far I like the centaur better.


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Re: Immortal Line
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2008, 02:46:44 PM »
Good information, this would also be the ball I want to setup for my oil and carrydown shot at nationals...I only owned 2 VBP balls, so looking for input.  So far I like what I see with Visionary, and I like the idea of the High differential from the Immortal line....To many decisions, just want to make the right one...


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Re: Immortal Line
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2008, 03:14:37 PM »
Go with the Attitude Shift, much better ball imo i do however really like the amb solid and the insight revelation which is visionary cover with nice revving mark russo designed core.

I sold rustylegacy the immortal solid, ball like to just arc but i think it overflares and has nothing left for the backend. It looks like it is going to flip over hard and then just poops out, so be careful and maybe go with the drilling that absolute suggests.


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Re: Immortal Line
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2008, 05:07:05 PM »
Ive only thrown the ball 3 games, at 1st I was kind of dissapointed. It was kind of like MrB stated. I actually got it to start moving when playing closer to the gutter, kind of down and in. It does start to rev early but I found a nice line that worked well. I went from a 146-181-238, the 1st game I was all over just to see what the ball would do. I hit with 1000 abr just make sure the cover was right, but havent thrown it again. Probably sunday night, league is after a tournament so the lanes should be good and screwy.


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Re: Immortal Line
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2008, 01:37:48 AM »
I can also confirm that you need to be careful with the Immortals' flare potential. These cores are VERY strong I talked with some top level amateurs who are sponsored by VBP and my pro shop's staff.

These balls are great if you are a speed dominant player and need something to move in heavier conditions. This really works well. But for mere mortals with a good speed/revs ratio, beware of the flare potential and the setup. One is tempted to drill them too strong, so that the overall reaction is not optimal. But I would not blame this on the balls themselves.

Besides, you might also consider the AMB solid or FMG as an oil ball. Both have the same cover as the IS, just "weaker" cores.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Re: Immortal Line
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2008, 03:54:29 AM »
Neither of the immortal balls is an heavy oil ball, they just flare alot. I would recomend a storm ball instead.
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Re: Immortal Line
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2008, 08:41:59 AM »
Great info, and I think Dizzyfugu hit it right on the head, but not sold yet.  I have a lot of equipment that does me well, but looking for that one special piece for some oil.  My Trifecta works ok, but I have it setup to strong, and it ends up hitting like a wet noodle, cause flares out too soon, been working on the coverstock.  My Rico Special Agent gives me my best line on the Fresh shot, but once we get a ton of carry down, I usually start leaving weak 10's.  Looking for a ball that doesn't get horribly affected by the carry down.  

Thank you everyone for your input, these forums are the best.


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Re: Immortal Line
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2008, 09:03:16 AM »
I must say, the React-A-Tack cover is some VERY grippy stuff (and it responds well to changes). I could not imagine using my FMG effectively with my style at 400 grit OOB - I took mine to 1.500, later even to 2.000 grit, and even then it is a ball for medium to oily shots, nothing less. I would not dare using a stronger core from the AMB series for my needs!

As long as you have some area to cling to, an IS should move and work well on oil - or you are doing something basically wrong. If you need early extra traction, then you'd IMHO better go with the AMB Particle.
For the Immortals, think IMO of the cores as if you have a motor that responds quickly, when there is only little time due to speed to make the ball break and roll. If you play slow, be careful with these balls and simply chose a less flaring core. You can use a weak layout, but I do not think that this is effective, since you simple do not need this ball/core for your job at hand?

Not so sure about the Pearl. It has the same concept, but AFAIK it is rather a medium condition piece, again with the potential to respond quickly when things have to happen fast on the lanes.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Immortal Line
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2008, 07:23:57 PM »

React-a-tack is one of the only coverstocks I've ever used that actually LOVES carrydown. The Frankie, AMB solid and Immortals tend to power through transitional carrydown when they change direction, and the extra oil downlane allows the cover to retain even more energy at the deck. It is only when there is a lack of oil does the cover not produce its best results.

Can you honestly say it's the coverstock and NOT the coverstock plus those VERY, VERY strong ccores??

I'm inclined to think it must be both.
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Re: Immortal Line
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2008, 08:06:48 PM »
I kind of agree, they dont seem to hook like most other balls it seems tome. You can usually see the flare while its hooking, these balls(centaurs at least) look like they flip over when they hit the dry and then flare. Im gonna try and film tomorrow night in practice, although it will be probably kind of dry. On a side note Ive gone over 600 for the past 2 weeks in my 2 regular leagues with the amb solid. Averages 175 + 182 and rising hopefully. I really love this ball, Ive aquired quite a few of the current line up and this one is my favorite.