When I lived in the States, I didn't look seriously at Visionary balls. Not because I didn't think they were good, but because I bowled 1-2 PBA Regional tournaments every year. Last thing I wanted was to really like one of their balls, then not be able to throw it in the Regionals. I now have moved to Canada, and am not bowling Regionals, so I was relooking at Visionary. But now I can't find anyone that sells them around here, lol. But I wanted to get the opinions of those on here on Visionary equipment and my thoughts on ball choices.
I am bowling in a PBAX league currently. The house plays extremely slick (or they aren't putting the shots out correctly, lol). My stats are: PAP - 4 11/16 over x 3/4 up, about 18.5-19 MPH, about 390 RPM, and 26 degree tilt. My thoughts were looking at the Mixed Breed Solid and Pearl. Drill the solid up for Shark and other longer patterns and the Pearl for Viper and THS (which I assume will play a little oiler in this house as well). If anyone has any thoughts on these choices, recommended drillings, and has any info on the best way to buy Visionary in Canada, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for the help.