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Author Topic: More Old School  (Read 4151 times)


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More Old School
« on: April 12, 2011, 09:59:59 PM »
Since, we see more and more wet/dry lane conditions and I don't see anything changing in my (league) future except for a few tourney's....I picked up a Orange Warlock.  The Warlocks being one of my favorite lines of Visionary.  2.55 .044 fills the bill for me.  I definitely don't need anything stronger.  Layout is 72* 3.5" 52* x hol;e at P2.  The drilling angle is after being spun on a  DeTerminator.  PSA was left of thumb prior to the X hole.  X hole brought the PSA to under the thumb (72 deg.)   I took a white scotchbrite pad and took some of the shine off.  It still has a very polished look close to OOB 1500 polished.
What the Orange  Warlock does on a 39' wet.dry pattern is the second ball after the NPT Scorcher breaks the pattern down slightly.  The NPT won't over react off the dry at 3000 abralon.  Holds pocket very well and the 2.61 gets it down the lane but the retro active cover won't over react like most reactive covers but it's also to it's detriment as the lanes transition it's "hit" and carry go away.  That's when I pull out the Orange Warlock...pick up where I left off with NPT and carry is great.  Even though the pin is in a strong position and not high the Orange with it's pearl "graphite" cover still gets plenty of length and has enough strength without being too flippy.  The CG is stacked under but as I explained the PSA/drilling angle is 72 deg. PSA under the thumb with a P2 hole so don't let the stacked look fool you. 
The NPT and Orange are two great balls that are old school but work on today's house conditions in that the modern heavy hooking balls are too much for what most houses put out today.  One either has to play too deep on the THS lane condition (thereby blowing up the pattern) or drill these super balls very weak to be able to use them.  And, I don't see that changing in today's modern bowling environment there always will be walls.  I'll stay with the old stuff if I can find it.





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Re: More Old School
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2011, 08:09:57 AM »
 That's one nice looking warlock!  I have one as well drilled for our wet-dry shot as well.  Works perfect, and boy do I get looks from people in my one house.  My arsenal consists of a 5x5 Orange Warlock, a label leverage Blue Thunder, and when there's some oil out, a Reign with the pin over the ring, cg stacked.  It's amazing what one can do with older equipment, well everyone is using the ball of the day.


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Re: More Old School
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2011, 09:34:20 AM »
I have a Columbia Ti-Pearl Messenger that is in it's 9th year of use and I still use it more than any other ball. It's the ball I use in league 90% of the time and last week at our state tournament it was a beast in the minor events. Wish I had another one.


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Re: More Old School
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2011, 12:08:54 PM »
I am going through the same thing the past few weeks Scott.  With the current condition we have, I am back to starting with the Ogre Solid because the puddle in the middle to too much for the Crossover to handle.  Once the track breaks in from everyone playing there, I am able to switch to my Warlock DC Tour, or "Pinky" as it is nicknamed by a few fellow bowlers, and able to stay in the same spot on the lane without that overreaction.  I currently have "Pinky" at 2000 abralon with Rough Buff over it.  This is a great complement to my 1000 abralon Ogre Solid.

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Re: More Old School
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2011, 05:13:07 AM »
Update on the Orange...league last night.  I used it the whole set.  This is the first time I got to use it on a fresh shot.  Sliding 20 playing 9 straight down and in.  Great carry and that even roll you would see from the Warlock core and the layout helped that with the pin in a medium position.  Shiny surface got the ball down lane and the layout and ball characteristics was an even roll into the 1-3.  The even roll without the snap or hard roll you see with newer reactive covers was surprising to me.  I had expected a bit more snap.  Not that isn't good thing that's exactly why the newer stuff doesn't work well on wet/dry for me.  To compare the B/G rolls harder with it's cover than the Orange. 
Why don't manufacturers come out with a weak cover like this it would be a god send on most league patterns that the majority of us see.  You'd be able to inch back to the right play a more down and in shot and not have to stand left and throw right and be a flinger as 'Bones used to say?  Most manufacturers are missing the boat when they don't have a low end ball like the Orange.  A Pearl Ogre with it's stronger cover I imagine would be 3-4 boards stronger or maybe even more even though it's a lower total differential ball than the Orange.
My Orange with it's medium pin and strong pin to PAP distance is not as good as the heads go then you would need a Pearl Ogre with a higher pin or a SS Ogre to kick out the 10's but I still finished with a 236 last night moving in but you could see the Orange get into an earlier roll with it's layout.  The Orange is a basic great fresh oil ball on a THS without the over reaction...I could miss right and as long as I kept my speed up it held pocket and would not jump thru the face like other modern covered balls would.  And I played that same down and in area in the dry that no one normally can play with any hand in the first two games in a 5 man league.
I am impressed and can see this ball being used a lot in THS leagues next year.  




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Re: More Old School
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2012, 09:46:40 PM »
Orange Warlock tonight lil FIGJAM.  1st game 279/680.  You guys can have your z-spin new stuff.  Give me the old symmetrical tried and true. 
NPT Scorcher last weekend tournament 290.




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Re: More Old School
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2012, 01:10:59 AM »
Where did you manage to get your hands on an orange warlock?


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Re: More Old School
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2012, 05:49:41 AM »

 I've forgotten who I got this one from but it was a BR member.  I have just about every VBP release since inception.  I dropped to 14's last year and replaced some of my favorites from over the years.  I have stayed away from all the newer asymmetricals as they do not work well for me. 
I am also of the school of thought to play the lanes straighter when possible and the weaker VBP balls like an OW, NPT Scorcher, B/G and some of the Ogres allow that.  It's my believe the stand left throw right guys who play on THS/puddles give you very bad habits which are hard to change when you go to bowl on a bit flatter pattern where you need to start out straight hence no need for balls like the Mixed Breed or any of that ilk as they force you into the puddle and you become a flinger instead of a bowler JMO.   Crossing boards just so you can is not what I am about.
I played a line last night with the OW of 11 at arrows to 7-8 and wound up at 14 to 7-8.  The carry on the OW is great for me.  My stats. are in profile.
I will be interested to see what VBP brings out to replace the Ogre line.
Mbosco wrote on 2/17/2012 2:10 AM:
Where did you manage to get your hands on an orange warlock?




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Re: More Old School
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2012, 08:10:06 AM »
I agree on the Ogre line replacement, that is in my opinion the best line in bowling as far
as complete arsenal and great price point. To me they have some big shoes to fill.
scotts33 wrote on 2/17/2012 6:49 AM:

 I've forgotten who I got this one from but it was a BR member.  I have just about every VBP release since inception.  I dropped to 14's last year and replaced some of my favorites from over the years.  I have stayed away from all the newer asymmetricals as they do not work well for me. 
I am also of the school of thought to play the lanes straighter when possible and the weaker VBP balls like an OW, NPT Scorcher, B/G and some of the Ogres allow that.  It's my believe the stand left throw right guys who play on THS/puddles give you very bad habits which are hard to change when you go to bowl on a bit flatter pattern where you need to start out straight hence no need for balls like the Mixed Breed or any of that ilk as they force you into the puddle and you become a flinger instead of a bowler JMO.   Crossing boards just so you can is not what I am about.
I played a line last night with the OW of 11 at arrows to 7-8 and wound up at 14 to 7-8.  The carry on the OW is great for me.  My stats. are in profile.
I will be interested to see what VBP brings out to replace the Ogre line.
Mbosco wrote on 2/17/2012 2:10 AM:
Where did you manage to get your hands on an orange warlock?



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Re: More Old School
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2012, 09:34:12 AM »
Hey guys,
drilled up the (used)B/G that I got off Ebay.  Put the pin above the bridge with the little pin a couple inches right of my thumb, no x-hole yet. It rolls up great. One problem though. I am ringing tens with it. I started out going pretty straight(for me) and made a couple of adjustments but 10 pin city. Changed to the Crossover, that arcs more, and carry the world.
I'm thinking that because the B/G is polished, it is going to far and driving in to hard.  Going to remove the polish and see if it works. If not, it's getting a hole.
Scott, I re-drilled the Midnight Scorcher. Looks like the layout on your NPT. I goes a little farther and hooks like I thought it should. Not huge, but not the hook/set before it gets to the arrows.

If you didn't like that strike, just watch this one!

If you didn't like that strike, watch this one!


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Re: More Old School
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2012, 10:08:48 AM »
I like the B/G shot 300 with it about 5 years ago, it is versatile but
I like mine at 4000 abralon.
ch_flash wrote on 2/17/2012 10:34 AM:
Hey guys,
drilled up the (used)B/G that I got off Ebay.  Put the pin above the bridge with the little pin a couple inches right of my thumb, no x-hole yet. It rolls up great. One problem though. I am ringing tens with it. I started out going pretty straight(for me) and made a couple of adjustments but 10 pin city. Changed to the Crossover, that arcs more, and carry the world.
I'm thinking that because the B/G is polished, it is going to far and driving in to hard.  Going to remove the polish and see if it works. If not, it's getting a hole.
Scott, I re-drilled the Midnight Scorcher. Looks like the layout on your NPT. I goes a little farther and hooks like I thought it should. Not huge, but not the hook/set before it gets to the arrows.

If you didn't like that strike, just watch this one!


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Re: More Old School
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2012, 12:22:35 PM »
Nice bowling, Scott.


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Re: More Old School
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2012, 02:03:00 PM »
My mother is 65 yrs old.. still averages 189.. shot a 720 this year and it was all done with a Blue Gryphon.


She loves that ball and we cant talk her into getting anything newer

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