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Author Topic: My two Ogres!  (Read 1897 times)


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My two Ogres!
« on: May 12, 2011, 11:49:04 AM »
I drilled two Orges this week and I went with a different layout. I went with a 4 x 3 layout and placed the pin in my ring finger with a weight hole in the thumb quadrant/P3 location. I drilled a Ogre solid and Ogre pearl and they are a great 1-2 with this layout. I tried them on a fresh Kegel Bourbon Street pattern, which is 40' length pattern. I was about 5 board different between the two balls. The Ogre solid I was about 27 with my feet and my breakpoint was the outside range finder on the Brunswick's Pro Anvil lanes. With the pearl I was about 22 with my feet and using the same breakpoint! I also used the Ogre solid on the 2011 USBC Reno pattern and I was able to play up 5 and had a great reaction. The lane I was bowling on was fresh from the night before and wasn't used I moved to a pair that I bowled on the night before and I wasn't able to play up 5 cause I had them broke down with the Ogre particle. I was able to move my feet left to about 25 and get the ball to the area I had opened and the ball recovered nicely! I have the Ogre particle drilled stacked with pin above and right of ring finger, which would be about a 3-1/2" x 3-1/2" layout! Just my $.02, Bruce

"Train a child up in the way they should go and when they are old they will "Bowl up a STORM",  be "King OF THEM ALL" and not turn from it!

Bruce Campbell
USBC Bronze Certified Coach
IBPSIA Certified Technician
Originator of the -35deg x 25 leverage drilling!
Bruce Campbell
Coaches aren't born, they are made!
USBC Silver Certified Coach

Changing bowling, one bowler at a time!