I don't know if you remember my last post from a while back, but I had a 14lbs Charcoal Grey Executioner that I needed advice on having filled and re-drilled. I say HAD because I just moved and it did not survive the trip (crack from ring finger to weight hole).
Needless to say I was pretty upset because I put so much effort into having that ball drilled to work for me and it was the only ball in my arsenal to be damaged.
A few days ago I got my hands on another one of these beauties (16 lbs NIB) and I once again would like some advice on what to do with it. Currently I have the following in my arsenal:
Black Widow, Black Widow Bite, Ogre Particle, Red Zone x3, Pyro, Diablo, Fury, Drive, and an old Black Scout Urethane.
Most of my gear is 16lbs so the weight change is a welcome one. I'm looking for a type of layout that could handle more oil with me still throwing the ball around 18 mph. Also, I'd like to know what kind of drilling patterns anyone else has tried and what seemed to work best with the executioner.