Sounding off here. I've found over the past few years lane conditions whether they are league or tournmament just get to squirrely. With the kinds of patterns, lane conditioning equipment, various lane surfaces, various kinds of lane conditioners and various players using every ball under the sun on every line.........the ability to be able to use the old swing shot is becoming more and more of a challenge.
So, this is what I am doing more and more of. Just this last week both leagues I've bowled in the patterns were goofy to say the least. Flatter and weird almost impossible to control the backend.
I've taken to rolling off the corner with various equipment but mostly an Amulet Glow and a G/B Centaur. I may get a new Slate to use in this type of shot/technique. Basically, I use the old style technique of rolling the ball from the corner <right side near board 1 to 3 lay down....I am right handed> and rolling it towards the 1-3 pocket with an end over end roll. Surprizingly after some pratice this type of shot is fairly easy to master. Carry is most times very good if I leave anything it's a ringing 10.
In an ABT tourney with OB flood from gutter towards inside I used a Midnight Scorcher. I was the only one who came up with respectable scores.
So, my point is really on any condition with the right ball I can score on this line. It may become my only part of the lane I play except for spares.
It makes me wonder why more don't use this old technique. It so simple that maybe it's too simplistic for the bowlers that need to think they have to swing the ball. I don't know.
Any others do this and what are your results?